Chapter 1

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Kaminari waited outside Jiro's dorm room lost in thought as the door opened revealing a well dressed Jiro.

"You look amazing!" He exclaimed. "Ready for our date?"

"Yes, I am!" She smiled. "Our Simple Night!"

"You bet!" He smirked. His body sparked with electricity showing his excitement. After recovering from battling Wrecker, Denki was ready to electrify anything he could in his free time. He spent most of the week training hard to become stronger. "Any one that tries to get between us will be on the receiving end of my Electrification!"

She blushed as she played with her earphone jacks. To her, he was as charming as ever. She never noticed that until a week ago. "Denki, you can be so cute sometimes." She gave him a shy smile.

"I'm cute, sometimes?"

"Yeah." She smiled. "You're cute sometimes and stupid all the time." She enjoyed teasing him. Ever since they started dating, teasing him became easier. She found herself falling in love with him but she didn't want to say the words first.

"Kyoka!" He folded his arms as she giggled.

It was weird for them to use each other's first names so casually but they were trying to make it seem normal.

He held his hand out for her, which she took. Electricity formed between their hands and shocked her lightly on contact which made her jump.


The boy, being confused about her reaction, looked at her worriedly. "What's wrong?"

"You just shocked me!" She exclaimed. "It doesn't look like you did it on purpose though." She gave him a gentle smile. "Are you that excited to go out with me?"

He nodded and chuckled nervously. "Yeah, sorry."

The couple was joined by Yaoyorozu passing by. "Hey, love birds. I thought you two were leaving."

"Yeah, we are." Kaminari smiled. "Just admiring each other first." He displayed a toothy grin which made Yaoyorozu laugh.

"Well make sure to have fun and be safe."

"Thank you." Jiro hugged the taller girl tightly. She was afraid of them encountering Wrecker again. This was something she wouldn't tell Denki but Momo knew how she felt. "Denki will protect me and I'm walking with my Hero gear just in case."

"Same here." He smirked, showing his pointers to both ladies. "Also, if we have any complications, I'll send a message out or probably a location."

"Sounds good." Yaoyorozu nodded. "I'll let you both go so you're not late." She released Jiro and sighed. "Please guys, be safe."

Kaminari displayed his signature thumbs up. "You got it!"

A few days prior
Class 1-A sat in class with their English teacher Present Mic explaining grammar.

"And now who can tell me the correct way to say this phrase?"

Jiro raised her hand to answer.


"We are the students of Class 1-A." She voiced.

"You are correct!" He exclaimed. "Looks like time is up. Make sure to review all you learned today."

After the bell dismissed the class to lunch, Kaminari smiled in Jiro's direction. "Hey, Babe!"

She blushed as he called out to her. She immediately started to play with her earphone jacks. "Hey, Denki." She wasn't used to being called babe, especially in public. Although it felt weird to her, she liked it. "What's up?"

"I was thinking that maybe we could go out Friday night." He replied. "Do something simple."

Her blush deepened as he asked her out. "Umm, yeah. We could do that." Even though they started dating, this was all new to her. With everyone else in the class knowing that they were dating made it even harder for her. Her friends Mina, Momo, and Ochaco kept asking her about him and she was overwhelmed. She just needed to catch her breath and get used to the feeling. "Where would we go?"

"Anywhere. It wouldn't matter to me once you're with me." He smiled at her.

She began to hide her face as her blush got more intense. "That's so sweet."

"Come on, let's go get some lunch."

"Okay, let's do that."

Present Day
The young couple walked into a decorous restaurant while holding hands. This was Kyoka's idea. She heard this particular restaurant was known for its musical live performances.

Denki was interested since he had recently picked up an interest in music. He wanted to connect with her deeper than just being a boyfriend. He wanted to understand the things she liked. He wanted to be able to know just what would cheer her up when she was sad and calm her down when she got angry. He wanted to just be able to make her smile all the time. For that, he needed to know what would give those results.

After taking a seat, they were greeted by a male waiter who poured them water and gave them the menu.

"Good night, I am Jushiro Takaechi." The waiter introduced. "I will be your waiter for the evening. Whenever you're ready to order, press the alert button here on the table and I will be over as soon as I can." He gestured to the button. "I hope you both have a splendid time here." He bowed and walked away.

"This is a bit formal, don't you think?" Denki remarked.

"A bit but here we are." Kyoka smiled. "I know it seems weird for me to be interested in somewhere so formal but I chose this place because of the music."

"That makes sense." He laughed. "So, what are you getting?"

"I don't know yet." She tapped her finger on her cheek repetitively. "There are so many choices. What are you getting?"

"I see there are burgers and since they're my favorite, I'm getting those!" He expressed.

"That's so basic!" She remarked. "Don't you want to try something new?"

"Well, I'm open to new stuff but at the same time, I haven't had a good burger in a while."

She laughed at him. "Alright, Sparky."


"Yes, Sparky!" She giggled. "Your electrification quirk makes you spark."

"I guess that does make sense." He smiled. "Need help finding something to order?"

"Thanks but I got it." She replied. "Found what I'm ordering!" She pressed the alert button and not too long after, Jushiro was at their side with his notepad.

"I see you're ready to order." He stated. "So what will it be?"

"I'll take the Super Burgers!" Denki ordered.

"I will try your Donburi."

He nodded as he noted down their orders. "I'll get that to you. Anything to drink?"

"Orange Soda," Kaminari replied.

"Sorrel." Jiro voiced.

"Right away." Jushiro bowed again before leaving them.

Shortly after, Kyoka squealed. "Oh my gosh!"

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