Chapter 3

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"Hey Night Rockers!" Kaminari waved as he got to the band. He realized he called their band name wrong. "Rebel Rollers?" He couldn't remember what their name was until it clicked shortly after. "Night Rebels! Yeah."

They looked at Kaminari like he was stupid.

"My girlfriend is a huge fan of you guys!"

"Your girlfriend huh?" The leader laughed. "So what do you want, an autograph?"

"Yeah! That would be great."

"He wants an autograph guys!" He laughed at Kaminari a bit before speaking in a calm manner. "Sure."

Kaminari grits his teeth. "Are you mocking me?!"

"Are we mocking him?!" He laughed in the same fashion as before. After calming down, he looked Kaminari in his eye and calm spoke again. "Yeah."

Kaminari clenched his face as he took a step forward. "There's something off about you guys and it stinks!"

"There's something off about us, we stink! He should be a comedian!" The leader laughed once again before calmly speaking to Kaminari once more. "Nice one, kid."

Electricity started to build up around Kaminari as he gets angrier. He wasn't going to let some punks talk down to him. He knew he couldn't use his indiscriminate shock but that didn't mean he couldn't give them a bit of shock therapy. His thoughts about hurting them faded away as a soft hand slipped into his. His electricity dissipated.

"I'm sorry about my boyfriend." She gave them a smile. This smile was only to try to diffuse the situation. She knew that her boyfriend would do something stupid if it meant making her smile.

"No worries, no worries." The leader handed her two autographs and a CD case with their music on the cover. "Here's an autograph for you and your stupid boyfriend who doesn't have good taste in music."

Jiro's blood started to boil. She never thought anything could get her as angry as she was. "The only person that can call my boyfriend stupid is me!" Before she could jab him with her earphone jacks, she was pulled back by Kaminari.

After pulling her back, he stepped up to them with a scowl on his face. "I figured it out! I know what is off about you guys. Auditory Control!"

"Auditory Control?!" The leader laughed at Kaminari once more. "What are you getting at? Where did that come from? Why would you think such a thing?"

"It's simple." He replied calmly. "This setting gave you away. It doesn't quite make sense how everyone here at a formal restaurant would be into punk rock music. Everyone was so captivated, everyone but me. It made me think that it was quite odd. Here, a restaurant where formality takes precedence and the price being catered to those who have a good set of money, you're trying to convince me that they are punk rock lovers? It doesn't add up!" He smiled like he already knew he was right. "The only explanation would be an auditory control quirk being active. That way people who don't like your music would be captivated to it. It would still affect those who are fans."

"That's absurd!"

"It may sound absurd but it's not as far fetched as you think considering I know a guy who can brainwash you by asking you a simple question." He smirked.

"Listen here you little punk." The leader growled, stomping over to Kaminari. Before he could do anything, he felt sharp pricks jabbing his side.

Jiro wasn't going to let any more go on. She had had enough as she pieced together the likeliness of what her boyfriend was saying. For once, he was making complete sense about something so big. "Is it true?! Do you use your quirks to gather likes? That's distasteful!"

"Don't you like our music without us even using this quirk on you? Our music is anything but distasteful! It's enjoyable and we will spread it across the nations whatever the cost! Some people are not open to it so we make them sit and listen that way they can enjoy the glory of what is Punk Rock! Can't you understand that?"

"What I understand is you are not who I thought you were!" She cried. The band she enjoyed for years was here crushing her heart. She couldn't believe what she was hearing. They were frauds!

"That's because we are so much cooler than what you can fathom!"

"No! You're so despicable and distasteful! You just destroyed everything you meant to me!" Her tears fell quickly.

While this interaction was going on, Kaminari was on his phone texting an SOS message to a select few of their classmates. After sending the message, he pulled her into a hug and let her cry in his chest. "Your music isn't great. If you think my taste is bad, I'll prove you wrong! My girlfriend is a better musician and performer than you will ever be!"

"You must be delusional if you think she'd be better than us!" The leader exclaimed.

"Then how about we prove it to you." He smirked.

She pushed herself from his chest and looked him in the eyes. "Denki, what are you doing?"

"Standing up for us!" He smiled. "No need to worry, the band is on their way."

"Tell you what, impress us and we confess to using the quirk Sound Enthrall." The leader challenged. "Not like you could get that done but for our entertainment, we will let the restaurant management know that you'll be doing a special song."

"You got it!" Kaminari accepted before walking away with Jiro. "While you two were having your exchange, I told Bakugo, Tokoyami, and Momo the situation."

Shortly after, the trio arrived with U.A branded shirts.

Bakugo walked up to Kaminari with an angry expression. "You interrupted our free time for this! You better pay up when we're done or Die!" After threatening his male friend, he looked at Jiro. "And who are the freaks that insulted her?"

"Look for the freaks that scream punk rock," Kaminari answered.

As he pinpointed the Punk Rock group, he smiled. "Oh, I see. Well then, let's kill them with killer music!"

"Yeah! I agree with Bakugo!" Tokoyami voiced.

"Good thing I walked with everything!" Yaoyorozu remarked, handing shirts to Kaminari and Jiro. "Go change and we will set the equipment up."

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