Chapter 4

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The stage was set and all that was left was for Jiro and the others to get on it.

"You guys sure about this?" She asked unsurely.

"No time to turn back now!" Bakugo growled. "No one disrespects Class 1-A! Anyone who dares to try it must die!"

"A little dramatic but I agree with Bakugo!" Kaminari smiled. "No one disrespects us! It's time we show those freaks what real music sounds like."

"Yeah!" Yaoyorozu and Tokoyami nodded simultaneously.

After inhaling deep and exhaling, Jiro smiled. "Okay! Let's do it." She walked onto the stage and grabbed her bass guitar. She walked up to the mic and looked at everyone there. "Good night! My name is Kyoka Jiro and we are 1-A. The song we will be singing is a song I wrote and it was performed exclusively for The U.A School Festival."

As Jiro spoke, everyone else got ready to perform.

"The song is called Hero Too." She blushed as she thought about what the song truly meant. "I hope you all enjoy it and also enjoy the rest of your night."

After performing, she smiled as everyone applauded them. They were people chanting. "Encore! Encore! Encore! Encore!"

"I think we should give the people what they're asking for!" Bakugo yelled. "It's not every day you enjoy great music like this before you die!"

"What Bakugo said!" Yaoyorozu agreed. "They're really enjoying us."

"Then I don't think we should say anymore!" Tokoyami stated.

"Let's do it!" Jiro exclaimed as Bakugo started up.

They were enjoying the performance. Both Kaminari and Jiro had forgotten the rock band punks and all that was on their minds was having fun. They were so into the music that they forgot about the other people as well. When the performance was open they took a bow and left the stage.

The Night Rebel members walked up to Jiro and the others. The leader stepped forward. His body was shaking and his face was stuck in a state of awe. He was speechless.

"So I heard that you insulted and disrespected our girl over here!" Bakugo stepped up to the leader. "Now look at you standing over there shaking. It's pathetic!"

"We're sorry for all that we have said and done." He uttered. "I will do as I promised. The Night Rebels will most likely be done for. You guys truly are amazing."

Jiro stepped forward to face the leader of the other band. "You did make good music but by doing so in a way that was not respectful, you never respected your following. I will make sure that never happens with me or my peers. Remember my name, Kyoka Jiro. When I become a Pro-Hero, you will remember my song and you will hear all the music I have to offer." She turned to face her boyfriend and beckoned him. When he was next to her she held his hand. "This stupid boy here is my world! He pushed me to get past my insecurities and to push my talent. I don't know what I would do without him."

Kaminari blushed deeply as she spoke highly of him. He knew that she meant every word she spoke as it came from the heart.

"Just last week he asked me a question." She continued. "His question was When we become Pro-Heroes you think you will make albums and other songs that you could publish for the public? My answer to that is yes. It will put smiles on people's faces and give them hope. That's what music does for us." She smiled softly. "So I ask you to remember who I am. I will make sure good music never dies!"

"We will never forget who you are and what you did." The leader frowned. "I'm sorry for destroying your faith in us. I hope one day you could forgive us. Good luck going forward, Kyoka Jiro. Good luck to all of you."

After they left, Kaminari embraced Jiro. He closed his eyes. He felt deeply in love with this girl. She was his world and now he knew he was hers.

She held him and rested her head against his. She knew they would have to part and make their way back to Heights Alliance but she was comfortable in his arms. She watched him defend her many times these last seven days in more than one kind of way. She was thankful she could do the same for him. "We should pay our bill and start heading back."

"Yeah." He agreed, pulling away from the hug.

"Looks like you two are done lovey doveying," Bakugo remarked. "Time to go home!"

"You three go on ahead," Kaminari suggested. "I have to talk to Jiro about something on my mind."

"Don't have to tell me twice." Tokoyami voiced. "I'll give you two your privacy."

"Very well." Yaoyorozu smiled. "Come, Bakugo."

"Don't tell me what to do!" Bakugo yelled as he marched out of the restaurant with the others.

The waiter, his manager, and the owner of the restaurant walked up to the young couple. The owner stepped closer to them. "That was the best music we ever had here. As the owner, I think your meals should be on the house. Please, come back and eat here again someday."

"Thank you." They both replied. "We will be back, someday."

The young couple slowly walked back to Heights Alliance.

"Babe, I'm sorry about tonight." Denki apologized.

"You don't have to apologize." She smiled. "You did nothing wrong. I enjoyed my date night with you."

"Tonight made me realize something." He stated. "We will never have a simple night. When it comes to you and me, there will be nothing simple about it."

"I'm fine with that, Denki." She replied. "I meant every word I said back there. I don't know what I would do without you, even if it means we will have crazy dates all of the time."

He smiled. "Well then, let's show them that no matter what we will always have each other's backs." As they arrived at her door, he sighed. He didn't want to end their night yet but he knew it was unavoidable. Without thinking, he spoke.

"What?!" Her eyes were wide open. She couldn't believe her ears. She should expect this but yet she was not prepared.

Kaminari's brain caught up to him and he realized what he said. They were both blushing profusely at what he said. In his case, he was a bit embarrassed. He was still getting used to this and it was weird to openly admit his feelings to her.

"Denki." She whispered nervously. She was still quite stunned by his words but felt a deep level of comfort.

He exhaled all of his worries and cupped her face. "May I?"

She blushed and nodded, closing her eyes; waiting for their lips to touch. This was going to be their first kiss.

He slowly connected their lips. Everything stood still as they kissed. It wasn't sloppy nor was it weird; it was perfect. He pulled away and smiled. "Good night." As she stepped in her dorm room, he repeated what he said earlier, this time he knew what he was saying. "Kyoka, I love you."

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