Part 1 ( 1_3)

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Sorry for the misspellings

Some notes for first time watching a Thai drama

P 'used to call the older person.'
Nong "used to call out the youngest."
It can be used alone or before a person's name

In a place full of calm, only the sound of rain can be heard, there are two bodies embracing each other tightly and crying as if they are afraid of separation. He was small in size, crying intensely until the biggest of him spoke

: It's okay, it's okay,
so talk IN while he is crying: Don't leave me,
IN: Don't leave me

The eldest groped IN cheek and looks with his eye and told him: I'm sorry, I love you, remember this, I love you very much

In cried more than before and shook his head in exile
IN: Don't say anything like that, don't say that like you're going to leave me, we'll be together, I'll always be with you

The biggest looked at IN , approached him and kissed him, as if he knew that it would be their last

Unless a man entered them and shouted: "What is this ?, What is this?"

In : dad

Father: Do not touch my son

In : dad

Father: Come here!
And he pulled In to him and i cried in strength and moved away from his father and went to the oldest and the elder took him in him hug

In : dad

Father: What are you thinking?

In: I love him, we love each other

The father lost his mind and said with a shout: Do you love him more than your love for your parents?

The biggest said: My father
Father: What excuse you?

The biggest : It's my fault, I'm sorry, and Lap In bowed down to in father express his regret

Father: Why do you apologize to me, I am not your father, it is none of your business

He hit him and In screamed

In : dad!

THE FATHER: You, come here
(and he took him to his side)

In : Don't hurt him

Father: Never disturb my son again

Another tall man, dressed completely in black, came in, his hair was orange, and he looked old

Man: Korn!

Then everyone looked at him and he said with a shout: What is this?  Come here
And he pulled Korn to his side and grabbed him by his collar and said: How many times have I told you? Don't you get involved with this boy

Korn and in looked at each other

Korn's father: So this is his father

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