
78 3 0

Sept 18,1895

"the cold breeze feels lovely upon my skin , the leaves are starting to fall from the trees I can't wait for winter it's my favorite season out the year , finally some peace from home I love going out for walks to clear my head , dad has been acting strangely lately getting angry over the frivolous things, he's not like this ever he's a sweet man it's like he's hitting pubescent years but men are men am I right. I can't help but feel as though something terrible is going to happen i don't know what or why but I can't shake this feeling but anyway I'll be on my way right about now home."

Toni finally finished writing in her journal and got up from the park bench she loved to walk around in nature when she felt as if she was going berserk. As she got herself together she headed on her way home but she couldn't help but feel as though she was being watched Toni turns around but what she sees makes her take off in a run , she sees a strange man but she could have sworn she had seen he had bright red eyes .
She runs all the way home and doesn't look back she continues to until she arrives home but what she arrived to confused her , her front door was wide open Toni's father should have been at work by now it was only the afternoon and her mother should be at the market. Without time to realize she turns around to try and run to her neighbors house but she ran into what felt as a brick wall when she looks up she sees the same man who was watching her. His cold hands grips Toni's arm , it had felt as ice had been rubbed upon her arm . She had tried to scream but a hand covered her mouth , she attempted to bite down but instead ached her own tooth and he didn't seem phased by this. He threw her inside &locked the door before she can attempt anything else . He finally speaks words that scared Toni to the core

" I'm so glad I get to finally meet you my love".
Toni's eyes widened in realization that this strange man had stalking her

"Get the hell away from me" Toni yelled with such force she was surprised her neighbors still haven't heard them

"now why would I do that love I've finally have what I want I'm not leaving without you " he spoke but Toni couldn't pay attention to him speaking she could only notice his red eyes they're so red it looked like the pits of hell , it was the mention of her parents that snapped her out of her trance

"and your parents are already taken care of " realization started to flood Toni's mind she left so early in the morning she didn't see her parents , her father coat still hung on the expensive leather rack , plates still left out on the dining table from the breakfast she missed her parents never left. Her thinking was cut off by the pain of  her attacker biting her arm, as if he was eating her almost but she couldn't even worry about that cause all she felt was a burning pain as if she was being engulfed into the pits of hell finally she couldn't take it anymore and passes out.

3 days later ~
Toni is awaken by shaking she opens her eyes and feels a sense of euphoria. She could see everything clearly , the webs that hung in the deepest corners  of the ceilings spiders still spinning webs , the dust particles flying in the air, then eyes landed on a red eye women who looked terrified it was her mother
"baby" she put me in a bone crushing hug but ignored the crushing sounds cause the hug was so comforting which is what Toni needed
"aww what a loving moment between mother & daughter " Toni's blood ran cold when she realized it was more than just her mother and her in the room the memories from the previous days came flooding back, Toni turned around and held a protective arm over her mother "who are you and what did you do to us " only a smirk was painted on his face "don't worry bout who I am love all you need to know is I'm love you and I've been waiting for you and as for what you guys are well you vampires love "Toni felt was fear ,confusion but what she felt most was a burning sensation at the back of her throat ,she was so afraid of the events going on she didn't notice her own father lying lifeless next to her until she heard her mother's ear piercing scream. She turned around and saw something that quite literally shattered her heart , her fathers lifeless body
"ENZOO"  her mother screamed while rocking her body with him in her lap slowly Toni dropped to her knees and crawled to the only man Toni adored more than anything her father was gone .
"What did you doo" Toni screams at the stranger who watched the events unfold ,
" me why I didn't do a thing , I turned him as I did the both of you I just don't understand why he hasn't awaken yet maybe your fathers faulty " he explodes into a laughing fit.
He's laughing?!?? He has killed my father , ruined my life and he's laughing , that was it for Toni she couldn't feel anything but anger towards the man and she took it right out on him. Without thinking she lifts him in the air with her mind , he starts to suffocate and then his head starts twist and sound that replicates glass cracking was heard through out the house besides Toni's mother screaming she had finally convince Toni to stop before she killed the man . This isn't who she is she isn't a murderer . Unfortunately during the whole speech the strange man was able to get away but what they didn't know was even if he wasn't there he was gonna screw then even more............

Hey guys I tried my best to make this first chapter as long as I can't make it one part it has to be two parts but what do you think he's going to do to screw the over ?? And omg he dad died 🥺🥺🥺poor Bonnie and Toni !!

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