Can't shake this feeling

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*authors note : first Seth is a little bit older in this book then in the movie and imagine all the wolves were allowed to keep their hair instead of cutting it everyone else did but Seth

"Renesmee" I called out giggled "where are youu" I said running looking past the trees "I see a little figure behind a tree trunk "
"Oh where possibly has renesmee possibly gone?" I say I sneak up and grab her " gotchu "we both laugh and giggle hysterically as I hear tree branches snap and arms wrap around my waist from behind "hey Seth I missed you "as I kissed him "hey baby you having fun with Toni "a goddess like brunette says to the little girl renessmee as a male comes and kisses her brunette but when he looks in my eyes I snap out of my daze.

These visions I get keep happening more frequently now I've just been having visions about those same people I've never seen in life before . I can't stop thinking bout the one I called Seth , I always feel such an emotional pull to him ,who is he? I wonder as I continue on with my journey.

Right now I'm traveling through Washington, I don't know why I decided to come to Washington , in my 125 years I've never been here but I have this aching feeling like I need to be here , like I'm needed by someone here . Maybe it's because of my father, in his journals he wrote that he was from the Quileute tribe which when I looked it up is in Washington.

I'm traveling through the woods , i could travel through the streets but I prefer the walk in the woods it's more peaceful being around nature. I know my love for nature comes from my mother and dad who both loved nature for different reasons . My mothers was because she was taught to always worship nature and the balance of it and my father well he said in his journal it's one of the only places he feels free.

It's been a long lonely journey here these past decades, I've meet some vampires in my younger years but never have I let them know who or what I was . And never have I meet my mate. It gets lonely having to pretend to be someone else or hide pieces of your self .

But with the that down time alone I put it to good use and after 125 years I've discovered , practiced and perfected most of all my powers . Some of all my powers are I can read peoples inner thoughts  , I can be a shield to myself and other, I have visions about future , and also have mind compulsion against an supernatural creature , and control of the natural elements, and many many more .

I've traveled all around the world hiding in the shadows from the red eyes in the black capes. I never know where they are , who they are or who they even are but I know I have to hide . I've never asked any of the covens I've came across because I didn't want to raise suspicion especially if they were still looking for me . All their faces still haunt me to this day especially from who I can gather was the leader , he held a sense of authority. The way he stared at me like he was trying to read my soul , the look he gave me like I was some kind of toy that he desperately wanted . I'm not able to close my eyes without seeing them including my poor mother I miss her dearly every day. But at least she's not suffering anymore I know she didn't want to be a vampire it went against her belief system as a witch they believed vampires was an unbalance in nature.

I didn't even notice how far I've got I'm in town called Forks I can see the sign from the mountain top I was on . I started to feel a ping in my heart I don't know where it came from but I felt like I was close to something but still so far I shifted into my wolf and let it lead the way .

I've been running for almost what felt like 20 mins when my wolf immediately stopped and I turned back Into my vampire form I was still in woods when I looked I was in some sort of clearing my body was pulling me towards something and when I looked up it was a small figure in front of me .

Renesmee POV:
I was sitting with mommy , daddy and every other vampire and wolf besides uncle Seth , Paul and Quil . They were out guarding I was playing Jacob while everyone watched and I guess admired me. Until I felt someone, somewhere close I looked around but nobody else seemed to feel this person they all sat and admired not even daddy .

But then I felt like the person was so close I needed to go to them maybe they were one of grandpa's other friends who came to protect me . I jumped up and ran down the stairs ignoring everybody's calls, as I ran outside I can feel everyone trailing after me. I ran past a tree until I saw her she was so pretty she beautiful flawless skin and pink hair . And she had the goddess look of a vampire but also the tan of a werewolf it was weird.

I could hear everyone calling my name as they were just a couple steps behind me but I couldn't care about them I had to go to HER . It was like she was a long lost sister of mine I started walking up to her until I heard my mother scream my name trying to tell me to stop and not get close to her but all I did was turn my head to my mom and start walking up to the girl . Everyone looked frightened by my actions but for some reason I knew she wasn't going to hurt me .

I started inching slowly to her until we were face to face she had a look of confusion and shock . I pulled on her leather jacket signaling for her to kneel down as she did  I looked her in the eyes and knew I was going to be safe with her . Then I did what I do with every new vampire I meet and showed her my life she gasped and looked at me with admiration but this was different from everyone else's . She then proceed to follow my actions and put her hand on my cheek the last thing I heard was my mother yelling my name as if I was in danger then I was transported into a video slideshow . But unlike mine it didn't start with her birth it started with her transformation , and how painful it was then it skipped to her waking up and finding her father dead and her using her amazing powers and throwing the intruder then it skipped to her and her mother living in cottage and then to people killing her mother and her screaming it skipped to her traveling all around the world and meeting and seeing new people and new cultures but then I saw myself but I was a grown up like mommy and daddy and I was hugging Jacob will uncle Seth and her kissed ON THE LIPS . And daddy and mommy were hugging. And then I snapped out of it and all I could say was


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⏰ Last updated: Oct 23, 2020 ⏰

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