Chapter 1

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"No, get them something nutritional, you idiot." Mitch said to Avi, who was picking up a packet of Jaffa Cakes.

They had been on an evening walk after a fun day out when they stumbled into two people's living area. There was a small girl with black hair, and a tall man with blonde hair, both looking malnourished and tired. Well, the man never turned over, but the girl flipped them off. They had made a bed of sorts out of the tall grass that surrounded them and had, what looked like, failed attempts at weaving blankets scattered around them. 

"Oh, and a couple of blankets too!" Mitch said.

"Seriously? They're unnecessarily expensive and we don't even know these people." Avi answered. 

"They deserve to be warm, Avi." Kevin said.

Mitch and Avi were the leads of an incomplete pack, with Kevin as a Beta. He had only had brief medical training when he was a child, but he was talented when it came to fixing people's injuries. Avi didn't pay attention in Alpha school, so he was now being schooled by Mitch, and sometimes Kevin too.

Avi grabbed two grey blankets. A neutral colour as he didn't know the two's favourite colours, but the fluffiest ones he could find.

"Do we have the money for this?" Avi asked.

"Does it matter?" Kevin asked. He had always been an empathetic person.

"Yes we do. We have more money than they do and they need a bunch of food and a couple of blankets more than we need them." Mitch answered.

"I think we have everything." Kevin said, checking the things everyone was holding.

They went to pay, which was surprisingly fast, and loaded everything into the car. On the way out, Avi grabbed some cardboard boxes that weren't in use so they had something to carry everything in. It wasn't a long drive, ten minutes at most, so they quickly arrived.

"Kevin, carry the food please, and Avi, carry the blankets please." Mitch said. He planned on being the one to approach them so he was taking no items that could be used to hurt them, just in case they worried about that.

"Which way was it?" Avi asked.

"Down that ally for a few minutes, take a left, and then you'll practically be on top of them." Kevin said.

"I wish I could record your instructions into our satnav." Avi said, earning a weird looks. "Haven't you seen those? You can record your own versions of the directions so you can make your journey more interesting. I think Kevin would be good at it."

"They're expensive, no." Mitch said.

"You say that like we didn't just spend a lot of money on two people we don't know." Avi said.

"More worth it than a satnav that we'll break." Kevin said.

"Screw you both, let's go." Avi huffed. Mitch and Kevin smirked at each other.

They let Avi walk in front for half of the walk, before Mitch took his place in case they were closer than they thought.

"Oh! In there!" Avi pointed and yelled. He got aggressively hushed by Kevin.

"Shut the fuck up, man!" Kevin whisper-yelled.

By the time they looked back at the place Avi was pointing at, Mitch was already gone.

He was stood awkwardly at the "doorway" of their area, it was clear that they entered and left through there by the flatness of the grass.

"Uh, hi." He said, awkwardly.

The black haired girl swiftly turned over. He was expecting eye contact but she looked at his chest.

"Why are you here? What do you want?" She said. Her voice was croaky so it was clear that she never talked much, or at least never above a whisper.

"I was here earlier, my name is Mitch." He said.

"I don't care what your name is, answer my questions." The girl said. She had moved her body so that Mitch could no longer see the man.

"I'm here because we bought you some food and blankets, and I want to give them to you." Mitch said. He wasn't sure whether to smile to show that he was nice, or to keep a straight face to show that he was serious. He kept the straight face.

"We? Who else is with you? Why are they here?" She asked.

"Avi and Kevin. They are holding the items. They are either behind me or just down the road." Mitch said, realising he forgot to tell them to follow him.

"We don't want your charity. Leave now." The girl said.

"Okay, I apologise. Have a nice night." Mitch smiled, earning an odd expression from the girl, and quickly left.

"So, what, are we just going to take all this home now?! We have enough blankets and we don't even like half of this food!" Kevin whisper-yelled.

"Of course not, we're going to leave it here." Mitch said, motioning to the floor. "Put the blankets on the grass to somewhat protect them from the dirt, and then put the box on top of them to keep them dry if it rains."

Kevin and Avi did exactly that. It took some work getting everything to balance, but they managed it.

"It's getting dark now." Kevin said.

"Thank you Kevin, for pointing out the obvious." Avi rolled his eyes.

"Avi don't be rude, that will never earn you respect. Let's get home." Mitch said. "We will come back tomorrow to see if they've even touched it."

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