Chapter 4

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Mitch came back from the kitchen, holding a Penguin bar in his hand. 

"Eat this and see how you feel after." Mitch said as he handed it to the man.

"Thanks." He took it and opened it immediately, struggling a little with his shaky hands.

His friend had looked like she was almost asleep before she wriggled out of the man's grip and locked herself back in Kevin's study. They could all hear Kevin's books being pulled off of the shelves again. Mitch and Avi had helped the man onto the sofa and they were now awaiting Kevin's return.

"Can you introduce yourself, please?" Mitch requested once the man was done. They already knew Scott's name and age, and Kirstie's name, but he wanted to hear it from the man himself.

"Yes, pardon my manners." He said, making avi laugh. He wasn't raised in a posh or professional setting. "My name is Scott, I'm 24 years old, and I like stick racing."

"Stick racing?" Avi asked.

"Yes. You throw sticks into a river on one side of a bridge, and whoever's stick comes out the other side first wins." Scott explained.

"What about your friend?" Mitch asked.

"She likes it too. Her name is Kirstie and she's 23." Scott said.

"Well, hello, my name is Mitch and I'm 26. This is Avi, he's 24. We also have Kevin, he's 25." Mitch said. Scott had left out their ranks, so he decided to do the same.

Avi saw Scott's hands still shaking and decided it was time for dinner. It would be an early dinner so he didn't know how well Kevin would cope with it, but Scott needed a good meal. Avi left the room without a word so he wouldn't ruin the flow of the conversation. 

He decided on pasta and meatballs with a raw carrot. It was simple enough and would work as a comfort food for Kevin and nutritional for Scott and Kirstie. Though, he didn't really know much about nutrition. 

He enjoyed cooking. It was better when they all did it together but he mostly looked forward to the smell. Some people eat with their eyes, Avi eats with his nose. 

He poured a large amount of meatballs onto a tray, enough for everyone and leftovers, and put them into the oven. He put the timer on for 10 minutes ready to put the pasta on. 

"Avi!" Mitch called from the living room, just in time.

"Mitch!" Avi called back as he walked towards the voice.

"You were supposed to stay in the kitcheeeeen." Mitch said, dramatically. "Can you get another biscuit for Scott, please?" 

Avi nodded and got one for him, and quickly returned.

"So, what've you been talking about?" He asked.

"Well, I asked about Kirstie's caterpillar. Scott has no knowledge about it, he also doesn't know how long he's been unconscious for. I'm not a Beta, but I'm going to assume that it wasn't for long as he's still in pretty good shape." Mitch answered.

"We'll have to ask Kirstie." Avi said.

"Don't you make fun of Kevin for pointing out the obvious?" Mitch said with a huge smile, making fun of him.

"Shut up!" Avi said. Normally, that would be when he would jump on top of Mitch and start wrestling him, but he took Scott's presence into consideration and decided not to.

"You guys are fun." Scott said as he laughed at them. He knew when people were making jokes, but Kirstie didn't so he was often filling her in on jokes that were made.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 07, 2020 ⏰

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