Chapter 2

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As Mitch said, they did return the next day. It was a Saturday, which was normally Kevin's relaxation day, which means sitting in pyjamas all day and hardly moving, so he wasn't in the happiest of moods. He was stressed, Mitch could tell from the way he squeezed his hands together and then let go.

"We are just checking, and then we'll return home." Mitch said. Kevin and Avi sat in the back after Avi had voiced how unfair he thought it was when Kevin, a Beta, could sit in the front but Avi, an Alpha, couldn't. The reason behind it was Mitch not trusting Avi's impulse control.

"I know, Mitch." Kevin huffed.

Normally, Mitch would comment on his lack of good manners but he decided to let it slide due to the change in routine throwing Kevin off.

Since their home wasn't as close to the two people as the shop was, it took a little longer to get there. Mitch decided not to try and make car games to avoid stressing Kevin out any further, which meant the car ride felt like it took longer than it did.

By the time they got there, Avi was almost asleep. He had his head tipped backwards and slipped between the headrest and the side of the car, and his mouth was gaping.

"Kevin, wake Avi up for me please." Mitch said.

"Huh?" Kevin asked, not having heard.

Wake Avi, he mouthed while aggressively pointing to the man next to him.

Kevin nodded and stroked Avi's arm to wake him up. It worked quicker than he expected, Avi's head wasted no time in shooting up.

"We are here." Kevin said.

"Hmph." Avi hummed.

Mitch was already out of the car and waiting with his arms on his hips. Avi remembered Mitch saying that he found that way of standing the most comfortable.

"I would like you two to stay behind me, please, since they know what I look like. That's even if they are still there." Mitch said.

They took the same walk that they did they day before and found that the blankets were gone and the box had begun to be emptied. Mitch entered through the same way he did before. The man was still there, laying in the same position he was, but the girl wasn't. Mitch took this time to get a proper look at him. He was careful, in case he was as hostile as the girl was. He stood over him and looked at his face. His face was so pale it was almost blue. 

Mitch decided to poke him and see what would happen. After nothing happened, he decided to roll him over. He wore a light brown shirt, with darker brown stains on it. He wasn't sure what kind of style the trousers he was wearing were, but they appeared to be black with a lot of dirt on. It was unsurprising, they did live surrounded by mud.

Mitch heard Avi calling his name before something hard hit him round the head and knocked him to the side.

"I told you to leave!" Someone said. He immediately recognised it as the girl. "Get away from him!"

Kevin grabbed hold of the girl and Avi ran over to Mitch.

"Are you okay? Kevin, what are the checks for a head injury?" Avi said quickly.

"There are lots, we will notice a lot if they are wrong. Check simpler ones. Is lightheaded? What do pupils look? Neck stiff? Breathe normally?" Kevin answered. Between being overwhelmed anyway and having to hold a small girl that didn't want to be held, he didn't make much sense. Avi caught the drift though.

Mitch felt fine, his head just hurt where he was hit, but he let himself be checked over anyway.

"He's fine!" Avi called. Kevin let go of the girl, not wanting to hold her anymore. 

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