Chapter 15 ENDPOINT

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This is the final.. So, let's get down to business.. To defeat the-... Never mind, okay so.. Prepare your tears?... Plz? This is all Mike's POV by the way.. Reminder... Mike's dead, and now acts as a 'Nobody's POV' thanks thanks!

[^|Mike's POV|^]

Where am I? I remember saying good bye, but a shock of pain flowed throughout my body, and then I was... Here.. Is that Eclipse? Am I at Eclipse?

"No you are not.." A voice echoed "You are a free roamer"

"W-what's a free roamer?" I asked "A-and who are you!"

"Why I am your inner mind" She replied "A free roamer is a spirit with the ability to watch over others.. Like a guardian angel, but you won't be reaching that rank in a while.."


"Hah... Excited as ever I guess, go ahead.. The door's behind you"

A door outside.. Okay then, I rushed outside crying. It was like I was standing on glass, they were under my feet. I followed them as they ran half angrily, and half depressed home. I cried alongside them as I saw Goldie sit down about to say something I know will break them apart. At least I think it would.. Goldie's going to tell them the reason why I died out of no reason, I guess I have been acting strangely.. The lack of moods to feel I guess

"You said Mike was able to reverse the effects of a soul eater.." Goldie mumbled "I was there.. And I heard it.. That means.."


"T-then that means...." Vincent sniffled "He's been the one taking the pain away.. He ate all of the bad things from your soul to keep you happy, and alive..."

Jeremy was only now realizing what that meant, if I'm gone he dies too. That means it's a lose for the both of us... He doesn't get to experience the actual joy of going outside anymore, and Vincent is all alone with the animatronics. I broke the fake glass that separated me, and Jeremy, then sat next to him as he cried his heart out onto Vincent's chest.

"J-Jeremy.. Your going to die then.." Chicky cried "WE'RE GOING TO LOSE YOU"

Chicky broke down into tears, and curled up with Bonbon comforting her. Goldie cried as well, and Fazbear was only trying to hold back the sadness within his eyes. Jeremy started screaming as blood started forcing out of his mouth as he coughed. I tried to hug him, but only fazed through his body.

"Jeremy please" Vincent begged "Your all I have left.."

The animatronics were forced to watch as Jeremy died slowly, and surely.. Was suffering, yet there was a smile on his face.

"At l-least I'll b-be seeing M-Mike" He choked

Vincent started to poke around Jeremy's rib cage, and noticed one being moved weirdly... What the hell, Jeremy fainted I guess... Vincent moved his rib cage around, and the blood seemed to stop leaking out of his mouth. I smiled with glee seemingly enough that it looked like Jeremy was gonna live.. However Jeremy woke up, and screamed with pain.

"I-I'm sorry.." Vincent mumbled "I JUST DON'T WANT TO LOSE ANYONE ELSE"

Jeremy stood up straight, and cringed a little, but he managed to stand up. He wiped the blood out of his mouth, but was shot down back onto the couch. Vincent immediately pulled off his shirt revealing the giant scar that was tracing down his back. The painful look on his eyes were hard for me to even notice, I couldn't watch someone I love feel the torturing pain.

Eclipse- JeremikeOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora