Enhypen (how): You meet

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How you meet +more

(It's + more bc I started it without a plan 💀)

Note: I made y/n and idol in most of these bc it easier to imagine you meeting that way


-You met at work since you're both idols

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-You met at work since you're both idols

-You're both know as really outgoing idols who make friends very naturally, the friendship started with you two just talk to each other back stage at events or when ever you were seated near each other at award shows

-You where friends for 1 year and a half before you started dating but you've liked each other since the first week you met

-You guy's took forever to get together bc you both where like "they don't like me 😔"
-Both of your friend groups where like "THEY'RE LITERALLY LOVE YOU"
"YOU'RE DUMB ᵀᴹ" 😑

-Your first date was an accident

-You two went to the fair with a group of your friends and they "accidentally" lost you both for the rest of the night

-One of the ride workers was flirting with you and he almost had another RAS moment

- At the end you let it slip that, that would have been your ideal first date and he was like "So then consider that our first date of many"😏

- You're very busy but when you have time you like to go watch him practice, sometimes he doesn't notice you're there cause he's so focused on his moves

-His family wants you two to get married, cause you make him so happy

-His older members see you as a little sister and the younger ones see you as an older sister


-You met at bighit while both of you where trainees

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-You met at bighit while both of you where trainees

-All the other trainees and some of the teachers shipped you guys because you're both aces and can you imagine how strong of a couple you would be together

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