Chapter 2, Balance

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-Error POV-

"Error!" I HeaR BeforE EverythinG GoeS BlacK. 'What'S HappeninG!? W-WhY Can'T I SeE? N1&htm@r3? K1ll3r? S0m30n3? IS @ny0n3 Th3r3?'

-Killer POV-

"Error! INK WHAT DID YOU DO!?" I yells.

"Punished him! That soulless destroyer deserves it, and so do you!" Ink states and then throws red paint at me.


But it never hit. I open one eye socket and then see Nightmare right in front of me.

"NIGHTMARE!" I yell.

"Ugh... Ki-Killer I-I'm F-Fi-Fine." Nightmare struggles to state.

I notice that his goop is starting to melt off, I quickly grab my knife and break the chains

-3rd POV-

Classic walks around the corner of the mansion and sees Killer helping Nightmare who's goop is melting Error knocked out and Cross struggling to get up cause hes chained down. Classic looks around to see who caused this and notices Ink. He fires a Gaster Blaster at Ink and hides around the corner and notices Red and Reaper walk in. "Hi." Classic whispers to Reaper and Red.

{Red will talk like me but without these{}.}

"Hello sweetheart." Red whispers back and Reaper stays silent since hes worried for Error.

-Killer POV-

"GET OUT INK!!!" I shout.

I notice Nightmare grasping his non existent ears.

"Sorry Nightmare."

"Fine. But if you captured Classic or Red I will personally eliminate you. Got it?" Ink replies.

"Yeah yeah, whatever." I say.

I hear Ink leave.

"Rude." I turn around and see Reaper standing there ticked off.

"Yeah why didn't he mention you?" I ask.

"He probably hates me." Reaper states.

"Error!" Classic yells.

-5 hours later-

Ug# W#@t #@pp3n3d? {Ugh what happened?} Error groans.

"Error! You were out for 5 hours." I say upset.

"W#0@ 5 #0ur$!?" {Whoa 5 hours!?} Error states surprised.

"DON'T STAND UP!" I yell.

-Error POV-

"OW, MY NoN ExistenT EarS." I groan.

"Sorry Error." Killer states worried.

"WhaT HappeneD?" I look down and notice my missing leg. "O# MY G0$#!?" {Oh my gosh!?} I shout.

"Ink broke your leg off, Error." Reaper states.

"OH WoW." I say calmer. "UgH.... InK!? WhY!" I yell holding my chest.

"An AU again?" Nightmare asks.

"YeaH." I state. "CaN YoU BrinG ME TO ThE AU?"

"I would usually say no, but I guess I can. BUT, we're all going." Nightmare states.

-3rd POV-

Nightmare teleports them to the AU but it's just white with two Echo flowers.

"HeY CaN YoU HelP ME GeT TO ThE FlowerS, NightmarE?" Error asks.

"Sure." Nightmare replies.

Nightmare helps Error get to the floor next to the Echo flowers.

"TherE IS A BalancE BetweeN CreatioN AnD DestructioN." Error starts.

Clearly realizing what hes saying Nighmare and the gang, Reaper, Classic, and Red stay silent and Classic keeps look out. But no one notices the rainbow skeleton and his minions watching them.

'Why's Classic and Red with them? I knew they took them... but, why aren't they chained in any way they could escape why aren't they? Why did Nightmar-' Ink notices Error's missing leg. 'IS THAT WHAT THAT LOUD CRACK WAS!?'

"ThE MultiversE IS LikE A BooK FulL OF DrawingS, WheN ThE BooK GetS FulL YoU HavE TO RemovE SomE DrawingS TO MakE RooM FoR MorE. That'S WhY I DestroY." Error finishes and Classic starts helping him up then leans over to the second Echo flower.

"Every bad guy does what they do for a reason. Horror starved for 6 years, Killer was tricked by Chara to kill, Dust went insane from genocide runs, Nightmare snapped from bulling, the Charas or Swap Frisks go insane from their friends being killed by Frisks or Swap Charas, and Error is forced to destroy. So, they were basically forced to be bad. I hope you understand now."

Classic stands up and Nightmare creates at portal but twelve bone appear in front of it.

"Not today! Why did you brainwash Classic and Red!?" Ink shouts.


"ReapeR! CalM DowN!" Error shouts as Reaper summons his scythe.


{Yes this is the cliffhanger. BUT, don't worry I have chapter 3 planned already so it should be out soon. Bye!}

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