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Setting : Some time before the start of the story. Senki is in the FBI and is dating with Akai.

Senki sighed looking at the folder, her boss gave her.

Target : Juan Michael
Please bring him in alive.
Drug leader, a small member of the black organization. Note that he has Two bodyguards in public. There is a chance he has more men discreetly.

The mission was fine. But she didn't get the case alone. She'd be working with Akai and people from his division (which is solely for taking down down the black organization, but her's is criminal organizations in general.)

She didn't hate Akai, he was her boyfriend, but they have different ways or etiquette during work, they heard they worked well but they only worked together for a few joint missions, and that wasn't enough for her to make a solid judgement. Luckily they talked that when they were working joint missions, they should treat each other like coworkers and when they were outside of work they shouldn't mention about the joint missions much, Akai suggested all of that.

She agreed, especially since she knew they have a chance to get into disagreements.

Not only that but she's a black sheep even in the FBI, she sighed they treated her like a lone wolf, and they were right she is but she can be a team player if they let her in the plans.

So here they were planning in a meeting room. She wanted to complain, the mission was easy and they were already planning for around 3 hours.

Then again, since they were found out as spies in the organizations they had to be careful, she remembered when she was on a mission for the BO that gin got a call and suddenly pointed a gun at her, she was then brought back to a temporary base and stuff happened and she made the deal.

Luckily for her the deal didn't say anything that she couldn't capture members of the BO that don't have a codename. She heard a cough and she looked at the members.

"Were you even listening?" A man asked. She nodded, she was almost offended, 'Excuse you, I can multitask' she thought. "Then what's the plan?" He asked.

"You'll be using Akai as bait to lure him." She said, it felt weird to call her boyfriend by his lastname when she's used to calling Him Shuu.

"But can I atleast say my opinion? I mean ask a question?" She asked. "Sure" Akai said. "How will we know if he'll take the bait? He might not know akai or Rye, or he might know him and get scared or be smart and contact Gin." She voiced out with a raised brow.

They looked at each other, it was true they haven't thought about that. "He will" The man from before said, who's name was Keith when Senki looked at his I.D.

"How sure are you? Do you have anything to prove that? I'm just asking because if he does know about Akai or Rye and he doesn't take the bait he'll have his guard up." She said her eyes narrowed.

Keith slammed his hands down, "We've been chasing that organization for years, so we know what's best. Your just here for 'Support'" he said "Or sabotage." he mumbled.

"If you want to help us, then just sit back." he said. Akai pulled Keith away as Senki closed her eyes with a knowing smile as she leaned back on her chair.

Akai and James knew to well what that meant.

Their plan didn't work, Senki was unsurprised. Currently Akai was sitting at the bar alone, Juan was also there having a drink or too many, his bodyguards behind him.

Akai tried picking a fight with him, It was one of the Guys ideas.. But Juan seemed to knew better than to cause trouble by causing a fight and just gave Akai some drugs, Senki almost laughed from the van.

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