The Voice

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'This place is small', I think to myself after I had a good look around the house that we were in, 'I'm definitely going to enjoy fucking with this one.' I reach into her bedside table and find---

~end of recap and still ???? prov~

'Well isn't that interesting...' An little antique wooden box with animals carved on the sides and a gun next to it. The gun doesn't surprise me, she seems like someone who would have one. The carved box has me wondering what is in it.  I reach for the box but I felt a sudden sharp pain in my wrist. I look down to see.

~Y/N prov~

After a couple of hours of work to my bike to get that damn scratch out, I am tired, I just want to sleep for an hour or two.  I walk into my room.  I look to see my bedside table open, which was odd. I walk up to close it and it goes halfway in and stops, I pull the drawer out once more and try to slam it shut but I heard what sounded like a wounded animal screaming. I look around my room to find myself completely alone.

"Thanks! That fucking hurt!" A deep male voice said from nowhere.

"W-who are you?" I look around terrified and shaken to the sound of the unexpected voice.

"I'm your friendly neighborhood Spider-man." This voice said in a mocking tone.  

"Where are you hiding you creep? How did you get in here? What do you want from me?!" I demand to know the answers from the owner of this voice.

"I don't need to tell you anything human." this voice had only unearthed more thing to ask with his cold tone.

"What do you mean human?" No longer scared but curious.

"Close your eyes human." the voice stated almost like a demand but I do as I'm told.

"You better not kidnap me." why am I trusting whoever this is? 

"Don't tempt me human and open your eyes" the voice had told me to do but it sounded even more unhuman then before.

'Why did I even say anything' I think to myself while opening my eyes slowly. Only to see---

What did I get myself into...(Demon x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now