She wont leave me alone

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*Ring* once more my phone had rung, yet it was Kathy once more.

"You really should pick this thing up." Kol tossed the phone at me.

"Why should I?" I look at him, letting the phone ring.

"It's starting to really piss me off, that's why," he stated plainly, rolling his eyes.

"Fine whatever." I pick up the phone, putting on a fake smile so my voice was higher, at this Kol just tilted his head like a confused puppy.

"What the hell Y/N?! I've called you 7 times! why are you only just picking up!" her shrill voice rang through the phone.

"Sorry, I just got up, I stayed up late last night." I walked out of the room, leaving Kol on his own.

"Yeah yeah anyway, I'm sorry about yesterday, something came up and I didn't have time to tell you." I could hear her smiling, she was lying. Just then a loud bang came from the room Kol was in.

"Sorry, I have to go!" I told her before I hung up I could tell she had said something along the lines of ' wait what was that'. I dropped my phone and ran over to the room, swinging the door right open to see a picture of me and Gand Pop on the ground, glass shattered.

"What did you do!" I ran over to it picking it up peace by peace with tears streaming down my face.

"Look Y/N, I don't care about what happened it's just a stupid picture." he stood next to the bed, arms crossed.

I turn my head glaring at him "Get out, now!" I growled at him. All I got out of him was a mumble and then black mist covered him. With that, he was gone but a pain soon started in my head. I get up cleaning up the glass shards and take the picture out of the frame, holding it close to my heart. My vision soon started to fade, I fall to the ground with a soft thud. Everything was,


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⏰ Last updated: May 24, 2021 ⏰

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