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august 21, 1996.

ANASTASIA SAT BESIDES LAZARUS IN SILENCE, HER EYES SKIMMING OVER THE WORDS ON THE PAGES INFRONT OF HER. She hadn't wanted to take potions that year but Snape had practically dragged her to the class by the ear, murmers of arrogance falling from his lips as he did so.

The boy besides her was nodding off, his head jerking up every so often before soft breaths left his lips and assured her that he had finally felt the exhaustion of a normal person. He did so again and Anastasia sent her elbow into his side, the glare falling short when he saw who had touched him.

Draco spoke up from his spot behind them, his eyes flickering between the two with guarded emotion swimming behind the icy grey.

"You get enough sleep last night, Blackwell?"

Lazarus spun in his chair to glare at the blonde, his eyes narrowing as he saw Draco's sneer. "Mind your manners, Malfoy. Haven't you learned to keep your mouth shut after what happened the last time?" He snarled quietly, his eyes flickering up towards Slughorn to see if the man had paid them any mind.

When he saw that he hadn't, he returned his attention towards the boy with another glare. Draco wasn't fazed by his actions, leaning back as he brought his hands behind his head with a grin.

"Perhaps you finally convinced Romanov to give you a chance. We've all been waiting for the day she grew too sorry for your mindless obsession and gave you second out of her day," Draco spoke, his voice mocking in tone as he glanced between the two of them, his eyes lingering on the brunette girl for a moment longer than he had meant to do.

Anastasia had now spun around to join in on the conversation, her eyes narrowed in anger as she glared at the boy. "And perhaps one day you will realize that you are an arrogant little—"

Her words fell short as Potter and Weasley came bombarding into the room, all eyes on them as they made their grand entrance.

Much to Anastasia's dismay, Slughorn seemed delighted at the sight, rushing towards the two of them with hands held high. She felt disgusted at the reaction, spinning in her chair to face the front of the room with a clenched jaw.

She had thought that the period may have finally been her hall pass to be free of Potter but he had proved her wrong, only increasing her aggravation that she had been forced to take class even more so than before.

Slughorn finally made his way back towards the front of the classroom, smiling as he scanned the faces of the students. Much like Draco, his eyes lingered on Anastasia for a beat too long before he directed his attention elsewhere, his smile falling an unnoticeable amount and yet she caught it.

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