Chapter 1

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Important notice: there's change of character. I changed Fluke's ex boyfriend cause after so many thoughts I found it a bit awkward to put Gulf as his boyfriend. It felt a bit inconvenient for readers to have gulf as Fluke's boyfriend so I replace him with Bboun. Hope you'll like this change.

"I am too much frustrated and angry at myself after what happened in the party"

The man inside the car starts complaining and curse himself for what happened in his own birthday.

2 hours ago....

Today is 26th March and it's Ohm's birthday today.

CEO of Daimler company hosted a birthday celebration. Well not really ohm hosted it but his step mother.

His step mother has always hated Ohm because he's not her own, she didn't gave birth to him so she always finds her ways to muster up his life. But ohm giving cold shoulder to her never really care about whatever she did until today

At Ohm's Birthday party....

Ohm was surrounded by number of journalist as soon as he entered the venue of the party. He was welcomed with camera lights right into his face and people gossiping.

"Mr.Ohm, is it true that you are the illegitimate child of the business tycoon Push Ritriprasert?" first journalist asked.

"Mr. thitiwat, from the source we got informed that you've affairs with other random models leaving your fiance in dark." second journalist asked him again.

"Mr. Ohm, is it true that you killed your own mother because she was a prostitute and get into this house after acknowledgement of your real father and take over all his business?" another journalist asked.

Hearing such questions people around started gossiping

" he's the illegitimate child? "

" he killed his own mother? "

" mother..? A prostitute...? "

" good that he killed such woman, and I think he should also die such people should not accepted by society"

"like mother like son, leech to society"

At this point, Ohm's temperament has riden down into his hand. His hands turned into fist, anger seen through his face, eyes frowned in anger and then he jumped to grabbed the collar of journalist who kept asking him the nonsensical question. Ohm's secretary Saint, hold Ohm's hand and tried to control his boss but the situation went out of control and Ohm punched that journalist.

"Before asking me such question, first dig out the whole truth. If you still want to keep on questioning me then i won't mind dirtying my hands with blood of yours" Ohm shouted at the journalist, making his feet wobbly unable to stand on his feet and soon falls to the ground.

With this, Ohm left the party in frustration without even looking back and left his secretary at the party.

He drove his Porsche Boxster through the road like a mad man without any fixed destination. He doesn't knows where his going and where his car is leading him to. He reached to the maximum speed, like he's racing on his own.... race with his temper.

His anger was so full of rage that now he doesn't seem to acknowledge his speed, the road he's taking and anything around him.

His sense came back to him when a sharp light of a truck penetrated right through the front glass. Light of a truck that's coming from the opposite direction honking nonstop. Ohm trying to get his control over the steering wheels and dodge the truck in front not get hit but unfortunately, he failed........

(Note: the truck increased its speed and purposely came straight towards the car crashing it).

Car fell off the cliff taking Ohm along with it.

Few moments later after the car fell off the cliff and exploded, the driver from the truck came out "Boss, he's dead and my job is done. transfer the money to my account" the man said with a smirk on his face assuring to the person on the other side of the phone.


Why?" sobb.... "Why did you do this to me phi...?" A young boy running with tears


"I can't marry you fluke... I don't love you anymore. I am bisexual and you know right i love both men and women and I fell in love with a woman who's now carrying my child in her womb. So don't bother me anymore fluke."

"But I love you na phi. Please don't leave me."

"Why are you being so clingy fluke "

"Bu-t.. But... "

"Stop it fluke.. "

He stops at the middle of nowhere, surrounded by trees and scream his heart out "Why?......."

Well no one heard him screaming. But Suddenly, out of no where fluke heard someone moan, (sound was deep and low) more like asking for help. Fluke turned right and left then saw a man laying by the end of the road. he quickly runs to that person

"Oh my god!" he exclaim.

He smells gas leakage coming from the vehicle which was only some meter away from them.

"Oh no! " he exclaim again and quickly grab the tall man by his hands and starts to pull the man out of that danger situation.

For a small figure like him it was difficult to pull an object or a being which is much more bigger and heavy than him. But when it's a situation of 'fight or flight' you'll gain enormous power in yourself. Fluke's condition was also somehow something like that.

Soon after some distance.....

The car caught fire... And.....


With a loud noise, scattering some pieces of its part to its surroundings. Fluke hold the man in its embrace when that happened covering him so scattered glass piece won't reach to him. Fortunately they are safe.

Letting go of the man, Fluke turned to him and starts to check his vitals, "he's breathing, he's still alive" fluke mumbled.
He makes a quick call for ambulance.

"Mr. are you alright? Can you hear me?" fluke tear his shirt hold it to his head where he lost most blood but the latter one lost his conscious as soon as he called for help. Seems like he gathered up all his remaining strength to call for someone to come and save him. Fortunately, luck by his side, Fluke came to his help and soon the ambulance also came for their help. They placed him on the stretcher and took them to the nearest hospital.

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