Chapter 4

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English is not my first language so do avoid grammatical mistakes 😁😁

Early morning mist beginning to clear, dew laden grass and cobwebs, sun rises casting orange and pink onto a thin layer of cloud, birds sing, dawn chorus. The rays hit the curtain of room spreading the fade light throughout the room making it radiant.

The owner of the room waken by the sound of alarm that started ringing.
The young man who's residing comfortably inside the quilt, finds the alarm tone much annoying. He forcefully shove his body and his arms reaching to the alarm clock to make it shut.

He successfully stopped the clock from its constant ringing. Then he again fell asleep only for mere minutes before another annoying ring greets him. He tried covering his both ears with the pillow but his efforts wasted. Finding it even more irritating, Fluke lets go of the pillow and reach his hands to the phone and stop the alarm from buzzing.

It's only 6:30 in morning and he had to get up so early even in his off day because of the damn alarm which he forgot to turn off.

He checked his phone only to see a text message from Win mentioning he needs to go to the hospital to sign some documents of the patient he was in charge of. It's his day off yet he had to go hospital. He let out a deep sigh and move his body out of the bed and crouch in front of the window. As he slide the window to open, birds started flocking around wishing him morning with their beautiful chirping. Fluke smiled as the small bird placed its body on the small finger.

"Good morning little fellas" he mumbles.

He spent a nice morning moments watching the birds dancing and singing around. He finally decides to walk off the bed and went inside the bathroom placing a towel around his shoulder. He looked up in the mirror for himself with a small smile. Then washed his face, brush his teeth. He spent his good 20 minutes of to finish his morning routine, he came out from the bathroom and starts to move to kitchen to prepare breakfast.

He's making breakfast for his favourite ones today. Usually, uncle Zhao (house keeper and grandpa's caretaker) does the work but he still volunteered to do the kitchen work in his day off.

He walked towards kitchen, thinking about what he should be he making for the breakfast but suddenly he ended up bumping on a broad back.

"Ouch! "rubbing his head and looked up to the person he bumped.

"Good morning sir fluke." the middle aged man greeted.

"Good morning to you too uncle Zhao " he greeted back with a smile.

"You're early today, uncle? " Fluke asked.

"I intend to plant some more flowers in the garden and also master asked me to help you in the kitchen.

" Is grandpa awake?" Fluke asked

" Yes, he's awake and reading newspaper in his room."

Fluke nodded.

" And also I already gave him his early morning tea and he had already taken his medicine so you don't need to worry sir fluke. "

"You're here with grandpa so I don't need to worry uncle bosston and also please drop the title I feel like I am an old man whenever you call me sir."

"I can't help but to say sir, sir" he giggle when fluke rolled his eyes.

"Okay, I get it uncle. Then I'll go to kitchen first."

"Let me help you sir"

"No need uncle. You can continue with your work in the garden. I'll make breakfast" Fluke politely said.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 24, 2020 ⏰

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