Chapter 3

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[A/N: sorry for late update. I am busy with my work. Hope I'll be able to update other chapters soon.

Grammatical errors ahead cause english is not my first language.]

Enjoy this chapter guys!!

Knock knock!

someone knocks on the door

"Dr. Fluke may i come in?" the person on the other side asked.

Fluke immediately wiped up his remaining tears and tear marks that are left on his fluffy cheeks and went back to  his seat. He cleared his throat before answering the door.

"Come in please" Fluke answered in his soft voice.

The person who came into his office is Win, bright's husband holding a file in his hand. He entered the room and saw Fluke's grandpa. "Sawat dee khrap Grandpa" he greeted. Grandpa replied to his greet. Then, he handed over the file to Fluke saying its the history of the guy whom fluke saved earlier. 

"We couldn't find any way of contacting the patient's family seems like he's contact information we're left in the car that man was driving." win exclaimed.

Fluke frowned and glance at the file.

The old man looked at his grandson who is focused on the papers that Win handled, turning up the papers of his patient,
"Looks like my grandson has an important work to handle." he said as he saw his grandson massaging his temples.

Fluke dropped the files on his table and replied "it's the history of the patient that I brought here earlier. I guess we don't have any other choice than to operate him ASAP but still there are some complications regarding his vitals. "

The old man slowly stood up from his seat supporting himself with cane. Win of course who was standing beside help grandpa to stand.

Fluke also went to his grandpa and hold his hands. The old man pat on the young man's shoulder and said "I know my grandson can do it and he will do it in a best way. You will succeed this too, my child."

Fluke put his hand on the top of his grandpa's, finding courage in his words he caresses them.

Thank you grandpa, thank you so much for always encouraging me" fluke hold the old man in his embrace and the old man reciprocate his hug.

Then, grandpa will be going na..... See you at home okay"

Fluke nodded in reply and he went to see off his grandpa till the door.

Fluke then came across his table, glanced at Win as he's saying 'let's get ready'

Win nodded and walked out of the room to prepare for surgery.

Fluke on the other hand flop himself in his chair once again and glance at the file that he placed in his table.

"I hope everything will go perfectly fine" he mutter and let out a deep sigh.

Fluke tried his best to stop thinking about the incident with phi bounthat happened earlier with him but no matter how much hard he tried, his eyes couldn't control the tears that are forming.

He stares at the white ceiling of his office room but soon it got interrupted by a knock on the door. As he turned to see, Win came in informing that everything has been prepared and they're now waiting for him.

Fluke immediately got up from the seat, grab his white gown that he placed on the cloth hanger in his room and went straight to the OR.

He got himself ready, wore the his blue gown, blue mask on his face as well his head. The nurse helped him on putting on the gloves and with help of his assistant surgeon Bright, they proceeded the operation.

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