Chapter 2

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[A/N: Sorry for the grammatical errors and wrong wording.

Enjoy the chapter guys!]

"How's his vital?" A man with soft voice asked the person who was in charged of that patient.

"he's blood pressure is constantly dropping, heart rate increased, and he's not showing impulse."

"It can be because he lost a lot of blood. Win, help me to identify this person and contact his family as soon as possible. We need to operate him soon."

"Yes, Dr. Natouch. I'll get into it." Win replied.

Fluke left the place and went straight to his office. He let himself rest on a small chair with so much things happening in his mind, he stares at the ceiling.

Knock knock!

"come in." young man reply to the knock.

"Grandpa......" As soon as he sees a familiar figure who standing right in front of him he stood up from his seat and greet his grand father.

"Grandpa.. why are you here at this time? you should be resting at home" fluke said worriedly considering the old man's age. He directed his grandpa to take a seat and he himself knelt down infront of his grandpa.

"Grandpa his fine... you see how healthy is your grandpa" gesturing him with showing off his non existence biceps.

looking at the cute gesture put on by his grandpa Fluke chuckles

Seeing his grandson giving him a smile, old man also smile but still looks at his grandson with question that cam be seen over his face.

"um... What's the matter grandpa?" Fluke ask his grand father as he look at his grandpa who seems to be bothered by something.

Old man put his hand on the top of the young man's hand and start caressing it before asking him "Are you alright?"

With just a simple question from his grandpa Fluke is now in tears and hug his grandpa searching for comfort he needed the most.

"My child, it's okay to cry. You can cry and let it all out if that makes you to ease some pain." Old man reciprocate the hug of his grandson, with gentle peck on his fluffy hair and start caressing it.

"W---why did he do this to me grandpa? He should've told me from the beginning. if if he didn't wanted to have this relation. W---why did he had to cheat me with some random woman" he continued
" Just because I can't give him family, a child, doesn't means he has right to hurt my feelings grandpa" Fluke burst into tears in his grand father's embrace and letting everything out that he was holding in his heart.

Seeing his grandson bursting into tears like this who had once cried only in his parents' funeral (Can't consider the baby fluke and his childhood cause we all have cried our ass out in our childhood so fluke is not an exception) old man could only console his grandchild and let him cry giving him touch of his soft embrace and love.

The young boy discover how soft and safe his grandpa's embrace is he couldn't help himself, tuck his head on his grand father's stomach, holding onto him tight (Well not so tight) and he let it out. He let out his pain that he's been holding onto.

They remained in that position for about half an hour, Fluke cried till the last drop of tears he have in his lacrimal gland. Now he starts to feel itchy around his eyes due to dryness. Fluke broke out from his grandpa's embrace and starts to wipe the remaining tears on his cheeks and his nose that became so sneezy after a long time of crying.

seeing his grandson who starts to rub his nose, put his both hands on his grandson cheeks and said "It's okay my child. may be he wasn't meant for my beautiful grandson. He doesn't know what he lost today. That rascal is has gone blind and he seems to need my cane and a pair of black goggles to see more clearly. Or i'll just spank him on his butts like I used to spank you and your sister when you both were small."

Hearing his grandpa spanking him on his butt made him whine for a moment but soon he burst into soft laughter after his memory played in his mind of getting spanked.

Old man feels some peace in his heart after hearing his grandson laugh. He smiled at the young man, pat on his shoulder and said "You are the apple of my eye, a very precious gift from your parents, you should always remember to smile no matter what the situation is, okay?

Fluke nods and give him a gentle smile embracing the old man.

Knock knock!

"Dr. Fluke may i come in?" person on the other side of the door ask for the permission.

The moment of grandson and grandchild was broke by the sound of knock on the door.

Fluke adjust himself and prepare to take over his professional role. Fluke is a type of person who never mix his personal issue with his profession and vice-versa. No matter what the situation is.. or he's going to face, he never let anyone to be conscious about his life. That's the reason why many of the staffs, co- workers and his friends admire him. He's not only professional but also a loving person. Wherever he goes, its like an angel stepped on that place and succeed to spread love. The most beautiful thing about him is his smile...

The most beautiful smile, whoever sees it will reciprocate it and admire him. When you stare at those doe eyes you'll feel lost the moment you make contact with it (maybe that's why ohm always stare at him with so much love...... awe moment for #Myblue).

Come in please!" Fluke answered.

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