𝑁𝑜𝑡 𝑎𝑙𝑙 𝑠𝑝𝑎𝑡𝑠 𝑐𝑎𝑛 𝑏𝑒 𝑓𝑖𝑥𝑒𝑑 𝑤𝑖𝑡ℎ 𝑎 𝑠𝑝𝑎𝑡𝑢𝑙𝑎

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"Hey Kyle. I'm sorry for last night." Stan stood awkwardly in front of me and Kenny. "It was a dare. We were playing strip truth or dare."

Kenny speaks up for me, "We played all night too. Isn't that right, Ky?"

I blush and nod. Stan's face turns bright red. Kenny used Stan's nickname. I wonder how much it stings. Maybe be really does want me to be his.

"You two had—"

"Sex?" Kenny smirked and held my waist from behind. "A few times. Kyle is so good at taking it—"

"Kenny!" I shouted, "Shut up!"

Stan stared at me and I felt my blush creep back. "What about you guys? You played "strip truth or dare"."

Stan licked his bottom lip nervously, "We didn't do anything else though. It didn't get far I swear."

"Jeez dude, we don't care if you did. We aren't your mom." Kenny chuckled.

Stan quickly nodded, "No. I know. I just," he looked at me, "Don't want you to get the wrong idea."

My heart sunk. He was definitely telling me I had no chance. I sank further into Kenny's embrace. Today was a cling day.

"Ugh fags. Get a room." Cartman walked up to the bus stop, "Where's hippie's bitch?"

Stan looked at him and shrugged, "She drove to school with Bebe."

I'm glad Kenny isn't a great deal taller than me. It makes sharing clothes easier. I would wear his parka but he only uncovers his face when we're in private or whenever he needs to.

He was sweltering, like a pie that just came fresh out the oven. I appreciate the heat of his hands in mine or sleeping on his warm shoulder on the bus. It's the little things we do that makes this friendship so strong. I never have to feel alone when I'm with him. It's always just me in his sights. His eyes don't go elsewhere.

I notice that when I danced around dorkisnly in gym. We were supposed to be benched but the speakers played good enough music. 'What The Hell' by Avril Lavinge is a throwback I'll always dance to.

"Broflovski! Sit down and wait your turn to run the course!" My teacher shouted.

I blushed in embarrassment and took my seat in between Stan and Kenny who both sat quietly. So I had to take initiative and started the conversation.

"Well that was embarrassing." I nervously laugh.

Kenny shook his head, "You were so cute. Cartman was wrong. You have rhythm."

I smiled, "Really? You don't think I looked gay?"

"Well everyone is a little gay." Stan smiled at me, "It's boring to be like everyone else."

I nod in agreement. I've been getting so much attention today, I don't know what to do with it. I was so overwhelmed to be the centre of two boy's attention all day. It feels like old times but more affectionate.

Stan wiped his thumb over my cheek, "You had an eyelash in your face." He blew it off his finger then smiled again. "All better."

I feel my face heat up and turn back to Kenny.

"You know I was thinking we could go to the animal adoption centre before our date. We can see all the baby animals."

I smile, "That would be so cute!"

He nodded and wrapped his arm around my waist then smiled at Stan. Challenging him. This was so exciting.

Stan smiled back and looked away.

The time I met him, the time I loved him, the time I left him. Where stories live. Discover now