A Ride, an Explosion, and Show Don't Tell

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There is an ending here somewhere.
Ruby's pov

Yang: "Oh, I can't believe my baby sister coming to Beacon with me!"

Ruby: "Yang. I need to breathe."

Yang: "But I so proud! Aren't you excited?"

Ruby: "I'm more nervous if anything. Besides, you should have seen the other girl."

Yang: "I remember you talking about her. Do you think she's here?"

I looked around at first all I saw was as vomit boy but I finally saw a familiar trench coat. I point towards her and walk over to her. She was reading a pretty big book.

Ruby: "Hey Trench Coat!"

TC: "Really Red? Couldn't think of a better name?"

Yang: "Well if you told us your name we could call you that instead."

She shut her book

TC: "Shouldn't you introduce yourself before you ask for someone's name?"

Ruby: "I'm Ruby and this is my sister Yang."

TC: "(Y/n), it's a pleasure to meet you."

Yang: "So you got accepted early too?"

(Y/n): "What do you mean?"

Yang: "Well Ruby is also fifteen."

I knew Yang had said something wrong because (Y/n) closed her eyes.

(Y/n): "I'm seventeen."

Yang: "Sorry, I assumed you were also fifteen seeing as you're so sh--"

(Y/n) pulled out her yo-yo.

(Y/n): "Finish that sentence. I dare you."

She had the evilest look in her eyes. Luckily we arrived at Beacon and we were all ushered out.

Yang: "As much as I would love to stay and nearly get murdered, my friends are here. Sorry our meeting was cut short."

Yang and her friends ran off spinning me around as I fell into a pile of luggage.

(Y/n): "Did your sister just make a pun."

I couldn't answer because I was getting yelled at by some white-haired girl. Who kept shaking a vial of dust in my face until I sneezed and exploded.

WHG: "You dolt! This is what I meant. What are you even doing here? Aren't you a little young to be attending Beacon? Watch where you're going!"

Ruby: I said I was sorry, Princess!

???/(Y/n): "It's heiress, actually."

We turn to face (Y/n) and a black-haired girl. (Y/n) nodded towards the girl who continues while holding a vial of dust.

BHG: "Weiss Schnee, heiress of the Schnee Dust Company. The largest manufacturer of energy propellant in the world."

Weiss: "Finally, some recognition."

(Y/n): "The same company infamous for their controversial labor laws and questionable business partners."

She was shocked by what (Y/n) said and started stuttering before snatching the vial of dust from the black-haired girl and storms off.

Ruby: "I'll make this up to you! I guess I'm not the only person having a bad first day." *sighs* "So wha--"

The black-haired girl was already walking away and I fall onto the floor.

Equivalent Exchange (Fem!reader x Yang Xiao Long)Where stories live. Discover now