Rules of an SMG4 Arc

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1. The arc has to do something about a character's favourite thing

2.create the first arc episode that is funny and make nobody know there's a arc coming

3. Upload the Second episode  And now Everyone knows you started a arc

4.Turn one or more existing good character(s) into a evil main antagonist or The antagonist's allies so they can make the arc harder to resolve

5.Mario has to be involved in every arc

6.Make it so dramatic and dark as possible but keep the memes the end of the arc, You can either make the main antagonist Redeem (That happens the most) or Defeated (like Francis and SMG3)

Additional and optional Rules
Make  the banner strange after the arc episode got uploaded but reverse it to normal or a new one

Have a War Of  The Fat Italians at the finale (if the arc reaches to august or later)

Do not kill off Mario cause his the main protagonist

Add a new main character for the cast (If they survived the arc)

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