Chapter 1

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A/N: I tried to edit as much as possible. Thank you for being there with me and all of your support. I'm planning on writing a bonus chapter for all of you. I just don't have any ideas in my mind currently but I will update as soon as possible!!!!!!

When Hayley entered the courtroom 10 she was late by 10 mins. Before she can even utter a word fudge started the trial and ordered her to sit in the chair at the center of the room. She didn't know what to do and Fudge didn't even give her a chance to speak questioning her repeatedly Hayley was starting to think that she is going to be expelled but then.

"Minister Fudge I think you should let the poor girl talk." came the voice of an elderly looking woman Neville was sitting beside her, so Hayley thought she was Lady Longbottom the others were nodding their heads in agreement and Fudge didn't have any choice but let her talk.

After listening to her Fudge started shouting lies and a woman beside him who was looking like a toad in her sickeningly sweet voice said "Why should we believe a brat who is sprouting lies about the return of you-know-who?"

"I am ready to take veritaserum." Hayley said hurriedly

There were whispers among the wizengamot and Amelia Bones ordered an auror to bring veritaserum. The auror placed 3 drops on her tongue and Amelia Bones started her asking questions.

"Your name?"

"Hayley Iris Potter"


"James and Lily Potter"


"31 July 1980"

"Why did you use magic outside of the school?"

"To save me and my cousin from dementors"

She was given the antidote and cleared of all charges fudge and the toad like woman were furious after everyone left Hayley went to thank Neville and his grandmother. After talking to Neville for sometime she went to find Arthur and left to share this good news with Sirius and Remus.

Hayley Iris PotterWhere stories live. Discover now