Chapter 15

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SinB's POV

From the corner of my eyes, I saw Taehyung behind her. Since when was he there?? Sensing something's not right, I pulled Yerin towards me and covered her from Taehyung. Then I if everything went in slow motion, I felt his knife enter my back. (A.n. That's what I call a... backstab! Sorry...) It was very deep in and at the time I had no strength left and I slumped my body on Yerin's shoulder.

Yerin's POV

"SINB YAH! DON'T DIE ON ME!" Umji shouted as she shook SinB's body aggressively.

"Miss move out of the way." The paramedics instructed us then they lift SinB's body onto the stretcher before rolling it into the ambulance.

"Umji-yah... What happen?" I was clueless. Why did I have blood on my hands?

"UNNIE DIDN'T YOU SEE? SINB GOT STABBED!" Umji shouted but dropping down onto the floor crying.

SinB...SinB got stabbed...SinB...blood... I immediately ran out of the warehouse chasing after the stretcher SinB was on.

"SinB. SinB! Wake up! You can't die on me!" I shouted while shaking his body.

"Miss you have to stay back." The paramedic said while carrying my body away from the stretcher. I kicked and tried to wiggle out from the paramedic's grip. But it didn't work. The paramedic then settled me down on the bench after the ambulance SinB was in drove away.

"It's all my fault...I caused this...if I didn't run to him, he wouldn't get stabbed by's all my fault. It's my fault. It's my fault. It's my fault." I repeated constantly while covering my face, crying.

"YERIN UNNIE! NONE OF THIS WAS YOUR FAULT! GET YOURSELF IN CONTROL!" Umji shouted while shaking my shoulders.

>Before SinB's kidnapping<

Umji's POV

Once I heard Taehyung's voice, I immediately started tracking down SinB's location. After awhile, I found the abandon warehouse through the GPS. I'm glad that SinB had the device I called him to take with him everywhere he goes or else I wouldn't have found him.

Mina's POV

What is taking SinB so long? I glanced outside peering out of the windows as I saw a bunch of men in black carried somebody away. Who's that? I squinted my eyes and saw a small part of a blue denim jacket. Wait...wasn't SinB wearing that? I immediately ran out only to find SinB's phone left on the floor. Shit! I rushed back into the shop to find Yerin.


Yerin's POV

"WHAT?" Without wasting another second, I whipped out my phone calling the police.

"Hi, you have reached the XXX police department. How may I be of assist?"

"Err...SinB has been kidnapped!" – Yerin

"Okay miss, I need you to calm down. Who is SinB and where is your location currently?" – Police

"We are at XXX café and my friend Hwang Eun Bi has been kidnapped." I said after I took a deep breath.

"Okay. I have sent my colleague to your location. Tell me about Hwang Eun Bi."

"Err...he's about 6-foot-tall, he was wearing a denim jacket. He-" I was cut off when Mina snatched my phone.

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