Chapter Three

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Ryan and Jake left, and Jessie and Kate met in the suite's living room just before 8:00.

"Have a good night?" Kate asked, pouring a cup of coffee from the pot that was waiting on the table and handing it to Jessie.

"Have a hangover," Jessie answered as she took the coffee. "But a great night. You?"

Kate sighed, pouring a cup for herself. "Not enough sleep, but a lot of fun." She looked at her cousin. "You were right. That dress looks cute on you."

Jessie smiled. She was wearing a simple flowered sundress, and low heeled strappy sandals. "It does, doesn't it?" Jessie was 5'1" with blue eyes, long blonde hair, and a curvy, fit body. She had a hard time finding off-the-rack clothes that fit, but they were in L.A. so they'd indulged in a shopping trip on Rodeo Drive the day before. She liked sexy clothes but was mindful of their wholesome image, so opted for clothes that hugged her curves in a casual and innocent way. But she knew how good she looked in them.

At 5'6", her athletic build made it easy for Kate to find clothes. She had hazel eyes and dark brown hair but usually sported a streak of pink down one side. She preferred to dress for comfort, but she did love to show off her gorgeous legs with shorts or short skirts. Today she was wearing Bermuda shorts, rolled up about an inch, and a tank top, with flat sandals.

As the suite door opened, they sat down on the sofa. Robbie, their road manager, walked in followed by a slender, young woman wearing a loose, button-down green silk blouse and black dress slacks.

"Good morning, ladies," Robbie smiled. "I want you to meet Terry Baldwin from Behind the Curtain magazine. Terry — Jessie and Kate Wright."

"It's nice to meet you," Terry told them. The girls stood up and shook her hand.

"It's nice to meet you too," Kate answered.

"Why don't you all sit down and get to know each other," Robbie suggested. "Can I get you anything, Terry? Coffee, tea?"

"I'm fine thanks," Terry told him.

Jessie and Kate sat down next to each other on the sofa, and Terry sat in an armchair across from them.

"Do you mind if I record?" Terry asked, pulling out a small cassette recorder.

"Not at all," Jessie told her.

"I'll leave you to get started," Robbie told them.

The girls nodded.

"So," Terry started, "how do you like touring?"

"Oh, it's great," Kate said enthusiastically.

"Is it what you thought it would be?"

"Well, it's not all fun and games," Jessie told her. "But the fun parts make everything else worth it."

"And what are the fun parts?

"Being on stage," they both answered with a laugh.

Terry smiled. "Let's talk a little about your background. You're cousins, right? From Chicago?"

"A suburb, actually. Evanston," Kate told her.

"Yes, we are cousins. I'm a month younger than Kate. And we grew up literally around the corner from each other. So we're practically like sisters," Jessie answered.

"But with two mothers," Kate laughed.

And you were signed to your record label six months ago?"

"On my 18th birthday," Jessie answered.

"And you handed the label a finished album?"

"Yeah," Kate responded. "We just recorded it for fun, you know, with friends, as a kick."

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