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kawaii~chan opened her eyes to find herself on a bed.

"where am i?" she wondered.

"ah, you're awake. you scared my girlfriend and i when you passed out."

kawaii~chan turned to see a white haired boy walking in with a cup of tea and toast.

"hi, my name is travis. katelyn is downstairs getting a pack of ice for your head. i bet it's hurting. anyway, here's some tea and toast."

kawaii~chan took it quietly and started eating the toast.

"you look familiar, don't you go to phoenix drop high?" travis asked, and kawaii~chan nodded.

"ah, you're reese's new girlfriend."

kawaii~chan cringed at the name.

"or not?" travis asked puzzled.

kawaii~chan sighed before explaining the story.

then katelyn walked in with ice.

"i knew it," katelyn groaned. "no one usually like reese. he's a clingy pervert."

travis frowned, "that's wrong though. how could he make you and zane go through that?"

kawaii~chan shrugged, "i-i don't know honestly. and i don't know what to do either."

katelyn and travis frowned at each other. "well protect you," katelyn informed the mewfa as she smiled.

"thanks katelyn."

then her phone rang.

she answered, and reese yelled into her ears.

"what the fuck was that? where the fuck are you?"

kawaii~chan didn't say anything.

reese kept yelling into the phone.

"you know what, we're just a thing at school. that's it. no dates after school or weekends. i'll kiss you at school but you have to let me do my own things afterwards," kawaii~chan said.

"okay, deal. see you at school then babe."

they hanged up, and kawaii~chan looked up to see katelyn and travis looking at her in disappointment.

she sighed.

what could she do?

wrong number (zane~chan fan-fic)Where stories live. Discover now