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It was midnight and Rory was still awake... She was in Logan's bed laying there under the sheets with his back facing her, sleeping. Rory kept tossing and turning, not able to fall asleep.

She was so hungry. And she needed to pee.

Rory got up and used the restroom, and sat back down on the bed staring at the back of Logan's head. She poked the back of his head, still not waking up, she leaned over and kissed his neck.

His eyes opened slowly and he turned to face her.

Still a little drowsy, he said, "Ace."

"Logan, I'm hungry. And I can't go back to sleep." She said sitting crisscross applesauce on top of the bed.

Logan rubbed his eyes and set up leaning on his arm, "Can I get you anything Ace?" He said with a slight smile.

Rory smiled and answered, "Uh yeah. Do we have sushi left over from Chinese the other night?"

"Yeah I think so let me look." He said getting out of bed and slowly heading towards the kitchen.

"And chocolate milk!" She yelled back at him.

"Okay Ace!" He yelled back.

After a few minutes, Logan walked back in the bedroom with the plate of sushi and a glass of chocolate milk. Handing them to Rory, he sat back on the bed next to her.

She gobbled up the sushi and took a sip of the chocolate milk. "Thanks Logan." She said with a smile, kissing his forehead and laying back down in the bed.

"Woah Ace! Are you going back to sleep?"

"Uh.. yeah." She said looking at the clock next to her, "It's 1:27 AM in the morning. You got me food. I used the restroom. Now I'm tired."

"But Ace, you woke me up and begged me to get you food. I don't get anything in return?" He smirked.

"Um, I didn't beg. You offered. And no you don't get anything in return because I'm fat and pregnant with your baby. I will have to give birth to this baby, causing pain. You don't have to go through that do you?"


"I thought so.. now can I go to sleep?"

"I love you Ace." He said kissing her on the lips one last time. "Good night pregnant woman."

"I love you too Huntzberger." She kisses him back, "Good night handsome."

The both laid back down and soon fell back asleep.


The next morning Rory woke up to the smell of fresh coffee. She could hear Logan in the kitchen cooking something. She was going to miss waking up in the same place as him. She was leaving to go back to Stars Hollow in a week, which reminded her, she forgot to call Jess.

She texted him, "Hey sorry I forgot to call. I'm going to be in London for a while longer. Logan took the news great so we are just spending time together. Miss you friend! xo Rory."

She put her phone down and immediately heard it ding again. It was Jess.

"Hey it's OK! I'm glad you're having fun! See you soon. xo Jess."

She smiled at her phone as she said it down again, getting off of the bed. Rory put a robe on top of her shirt and walked out of the bedroom and into the kitchen.


Logan's POV: A few days later.

Over the next few days, Logan decided to throw Rory a surprise goodbye, for now, party.

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