Library Incident

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Authors note: Keep in mind this is in like the 50's!!

I'm a smart girl, probably the smartest girl at the school. Yet they overlook my talents because i'm a female. I am absolutely envious of the prefect Tom Riddle. I just don't know why he gets to be a prefect and I can't. I was mumbling to myself while carrying a big stack of books when suddenly i hit something, at first i thought it was a wall until someone spoke.

"Bloody hell are you ok?" i tilted my head to the side to see who exactly was speaking, it was Tom. I rolled my eyes and saw he was reading the title of the books i was carrying. I quickly turned around so he couldn't read them.

"Thanks!" i said as i walked away as quickly as i possibly could without my books falling over. I hope he didn't read the books, parseltongue isn't exactly a normal thing even for witches and wizards to be wanting to learn about. It's considered "bad". I dropped the books off in my dorm and headed to class when Elizabeth, my best friend, ran into me.

"Thank god i found you! I've been looking for you everywhere, Headmaster said you and i have to switch classes." she said while panting for air. I furrowed my eyebrows in confusion. Why were we suddenly being switched.

"Do you know why?" i asked as i fixed my robes.

"They said you'd do better in my course because i am not prepared to take it yet." she said with her breathing more stable. I shrugged, it was the middle of the term but i knew i could adapt easily to a new class.

"You have potions right now correct?" i asked to make sure i wouldn't walk in the wrong class.

"Yes you remembered! I thought your brain was full with books rather than information about your friends." she said with a big grin.

"Very funny. Now if you excuse me i have to get to class." i said as i moved to the side and walked past her. I walked into potions and all heads turned, the class had only 2 other girls. I felt my cheeks burning up as every boy looked at me in confusion. Professor Slughorn looked up from his cauldron to look at me.

"Ahh i'm guessing you're the new student as a replacement for Ms.Elizabeth? You're name is Aurelia Maia correct?" he said as he put down his book down. I nodded and he pointed to an empty seat next to some boy, i couldn't make out who it was until he turned around. I was annoyed to see Riddle again. I avoided making eye contact and sat next to him.

Months passed and Riddle and I were in competition for the top position in the class. I didn't realize how smart he was until then. Every time professor Slughorn asked a question both of our arms would shoot up in the air and he'd roll his eyes at me. I was starting to get better at speaking parseltongue, i wanted to master it because it would guarantee me a spot at the top. If people won't respect me naturally then i'll scare them into respecting me, it's just what i have to do and i'll do anything to get to the top above everyone. I was so lost in my thoughts that i tripped over someone's bag.

"OW!" i yelped as i fell. I held my knee which i fell on and looked up and saw Riddle.

"Oh my you alright?" he said with a smirk, i knew he did it on purpose.

"Playing dirty are we Tom." i said as i got up and dusted off my skirt.

"I wouldn't dare, but i would recommend you to watch your steps next time.." he said as he walked away. I realized that's the first time him and i had somewhat of a real conversation.

The Prefect and his Competitor   Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora