just like old times

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Betty's POV

It was 8.00 pm, and i had been working my ass off since the past 2 hours.

Last year of college is no easy, specially when you have to stay away from your boyfriend.

Jughead graduated last year and this year i'll be graduating.

He has already moved to New York, and started off his career at The New York Times, i'll also be hopefully moving there next year.

But first need to graduate from Yale.

I am living in mine and jug's apartment.

Well, he doesn't live here anymore, but i moved in to his apartment as soon as my second year started and he was at his third year.

it has been more than 3 weeks since we've seen each other. 

His place is a 1 hour 40 minute drive, but not one weekend has passed by in a month where i don't have at least 5 hours to spare.

we do talk every night, but that's hardly making up for seeing each other everyday and living together.

Anyhow, this night is no different, i am buried in mid term papers and he would be too, in some meetings or meeting his deadlines .

i put on my airpods, turned on my music and got to work.

jughead's POV

I freed up my entire schedule for 2 days, and i'm going to surprise betty.

It's been way too long since we have spent some real time together.

I reached my former apartment, and before ringing the bell, i remembered, that i still have the key.

That woman is going to be shocked.

I unlocked the door, and saw her sitting on the table, typing away.

Did she even hear the door unlock?

i quietly tip toed behind her, and wrapped my hands around her shoulders, making her jump and screech.


" hello to you too" i laughed and pressed and a kiss on her cheek.

" you scared me half to death! how did you even get in?!"

" i still have the key you know" i replied.

" oh jeez" she sighed in relief.

i tilted her head to an angle, such that i could kiss her.

i felt her melt as my lips met hers.

" i missed you" she whispered.

" me too"

she kissed me again, and as she was, i closed her laptop.

" heyy i've loads to do"

" betts work is never gonna stop, so come on, neither you nor me, is going to sit in front of the laptop tonight, and instead spend some time together"

" jug i have way too many deadlines to meet tonight, and you know how Professor Gerard is"

" we'll be back in an hour, i promise"

" okay. on one condition"

" anything" i replied, because i know i'll agree on anything she says for me take her out tonight ,  even if it's just for an hour.

" you'll help me"

spoke too soon jughead.

" with professor gerards work ? hahah no. nice try "

Bughead Oneshots 🤍Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora