Another chance...

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It was early in the morning, the sun was just starting to wake up, and the darkness was slowly fading.

A man walked through what was left of the morning mist. He had nothing beside the silver sword attached to his waist. He suddenly stopped on his track when reaching the top of the hill.

Looking back at the castle behind him, he let a small smile.

Jin: " thanks for everything, Ban-kun, Elie."

And he turned to walk again. He had decided that he had no right to stay there. He can't stay with them. He can't stay in that very place. It will just bring them more suffering.

Although they told him that they forgave him. Although they said he had already received his punishment. Still, he couldn't forgive himself.

" Jin!"

Suddenly a familiar feminine voice called out. He thought it was his imagination. Until...

" Jin! Jin!! JIN!!"

He looked back to see a worried Elie running after him. She suddenly tripped on her dress and fell down. Jin quickly ran back to her.

Jin: " are you alright? Why are you here early in the morning?"

He said as he kneeled down, checking if she had any bruises.

Elie: " that should be my question? Why did you left early without telling anyone? And what's the meaning of this!?"

She held up a peace of paper she had clenched tightly in her hand.

Jin looked aside at that and Elie's eyes widened as she got it.

Elie: " it can't be... You were really thinking of leaving!"

He closed his eyes. Elie then grabbed his shoulders.

Elie: " why? Why would you leave?"

Tears appearing at the corners of her eyes.

Jin: " I... Can't stay."

" And you can't leave either."

A voice added and he looked up at the brunette man who walked to them.

Ban: " you don't have a place to go back to, right? Where do you intend to go then?"

The black and white haired man didn't say anything.

Ban: " figure."

He sighed before looking at the other man with a serious look.

Ban: " I can't allow you to leave. You're needed here."

Jin: " I'm... Needed?..."

Ban: " unlike me, you had ruled a kingdom before. Regardless of the circumstances, you have the experience I lack. So I need you."

Jin looked up at him, still trying to figure what he meant. Ban's serious air shifted to a soft and warm smile.

Ban: " I want you to be my right arm."

Even Elie was surprised at that.

Ban: " I know you won't accept taking the position of an official advisor, so I shall make you my right arm and my close advisor."

Jin: " but..."

Ban: " we will fix both Harness and Misora, together."

He said as he extended his hand to him. Jin hesitated as he stared at the extended hand. A gentle hand was suddenly placed on his shoulder and he looked to Elie who gave him a small smile and a nod, trying to tell him to take that offer.

Jin then narrowed his eyes as he took Ban's hand. The brunette pulled him up and had a wide smile as he held their hands up.

Ban: " I'm looking forward to working with you, Jin."

Jin managed a small smile as he tightened his grab of Ban's hand.

Jin: " same here."

Elie stood up with an ear to ear grin.

Elie: " good for you both. Then let's go home, all three of us. Else Lilyan-san will be worried if she wakes up and don't find us."

Ban: " right."

They both looked at Jin who had a small soft smile and nodded before walking back, all three of them...

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