Chapter 7

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A few days later the avengers were getting ready to head to Germany because the Winter Soldier aka Bucky Barnes was seen there and Steve wanted to help him. When they noticed that Tony wasn't in the room with them Peter volunteered to go look for him and finally found him in his bedroom and saw that he wasn't in his bed alone. "Hey Dad!" which wakes up not only Tony but Spencer as well "Hey kid! Where are you headed off to?" when he saw that Peter looked like he was getting ready to go somewhere. "Well WE are going on a mission to Germany where The Winter Soldier aka Bucky Barnes was spotted. So are you gonna to me who this is in your bed?" "Oh! yeah Peter this is Spencer my boyfriend Spencer this is my son Peter." "Hello Peter I've heard so much about you from your dad I'm glad to finally meet you" "Hi Spencer it's nice to meet you too and I would like to get to know you better." "yes of course! Tony you better get up and get ready to go" "Hey I've got an idea! Why don't we take Spencer with us so he won't be alone" so they all  agreed went to the Quintjet and flew to Leipzig,Germany. When they arrived they went to the hotel to settle in. That's when they found out that Steve and the others went rogue to save Bucky. Tony,Peter,and the rest of the avengers went to the airport to stop them while Spencer stayed with Happy to see what is going to happen. They watched the avengers charge and began fighting with each other. As the battle raged on Spencer knew he needed to stop it he ran the best he could with his crutches into the battle. As he moved throughout the airport he watched as Ant-Man grew up into a giant. He tried to avoid him but it was too late! Ant-Man spotted Spencer thinking Tony sent him to distract him from the fight he smacked him making him drop his crutches,crash through a terminal,into an airplane finally landing into a pile of crates! Having heard someone's screams everyone stopped fighting. When Peter got to the ground he landed between a pair of very familiar crutches he picked them up and carried them to Tony,"Dad? Aren't these... Spencer's?" Tony's eyes filled with tears as he replied,"No they can't be! I-I I thought he was with Happy! we've gotta find him! NOW!!" Everyone looked everywhere and the one to find him was Bucky,"HEY! OVER HERE I FOUND HIM!!" Tony along with the rest of the avengers came running over and they saw something shocking! It was Spencer lying unconscious in a pile of broken pieces of crates covered in bruises and blood. There were bones sticking out of his left arm and right leg, his face is cut, bruised and swollen as was his wounded left knee and so. much. blood! The first one to move was Tony, "SPENCER!!! Spencer,can you hear me? Wake up please wake up!" He said crying. Bucky walked over to Tony and knelt down,"Tony, you have to let us help him okay?" "Okay but please be careful with him" "you got it" and then the others came to help with Spencer gently moving him to the Quintjet and laying him as flat as possible in case of a spinal injury. They called Drs Cho and Banner and rushed him to the nearest hospital.                                                  I think I'll have that drink now - Loki  from The Avengers

                                                  I think I'll have that drink now - Loki  from The Avengers

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Tony and Spencer: An Avengers Civil War/Criminal Minds CrossoverWhere stories live. Discover now