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Zayn's hazel eyes glared at the canvas in front of him, dark lashes fanning against his sharp cheeks every time he blinked. His hands felt dry, paint speckled along his fingertips in various colours as he held onto the large paintbrush tightly. He bit his dark plump bottom lip as he surged forward, stroking the bristles along the canvas with delicate yet harsh movements, not thinking twice because then he wouldn't have anything painted at all. He was a procrastinator at heart, which sucked because he was an artist. It took him forever to get a piece done.

He had the week off though and Zayn was going to use that to his advantage for as long as he could, before his heat really kicked in and all that would be on his mind was his mate, breed, and knot, knot, knot. The Omega inhaled deeply, the distinct paint smell filling his nostrils and invading his senses as he leaned forward with a furrowed brow, eyeing what he had so far.

The previously white canvas was now completely covered in multiple shades of blue and red, the starting of a sky that faded into deep reds below. Zayn wasn't too sure exactly what he was painting but it was something, at least. Sometimes the paintbrush controlled you instead of the latter.

Zayn continued on with brushing different coloured strokes, occasionally stepping back to get a good look at everything, pushing back his damp black hair and wiping his forehead with the back of his hand. The symptoms of his oncoming heat were starting to affect him, causing his loose-knitted shirt to stick to his back and slick to ease out of his hole. Thank God for heat pads or he'd be absolutely soaked through his knickers by now.

The Omega powered through his slight fever though, trying to accomplish just one more aspect of his artwork before inspiration lost him. In the time span of thirty-five minutes he had added clouds as well as stairs that descended and ascended in both directions, fading into the background seamlessly. He'd take that as a win.

"Fuck!" Zayn gasped when a particularly painful cramp caused his stomach to tense up and lurch. It was all too hot in the studio now, the blind-less windows streaming in too much light from the afternoon sun. He felt so overheated and gross, sweat slicking up his tan skin, mostly his back, armpits, and forehead. He dropped the paintbrush he had in hand back into it's usual bucket where every other art utensil was located. He'd wash them later, even if leaving paint on the bristles ruined them.

Zayn wiped his hands on his light-washed denim jeans, actively spreading more beryl and baby blue pigment onto the rough fabric, before his deft fingers found their way to the zipper and button. He didn't even think twice about undoing both, shimmying out of the constricting pants and kicking them away from his sock-less feet. The paint smell that he usually loved was giving him a headache and making him nauseous, so Zayn found himself padding out of his little art room and into the hallway.

He pulled off his sticky damp shirt, tossing it haphazardly onto the cherry hardwood flooring, making his way to the main bathroom to take a nice cool shower. Zayn wanted Liam here but knew that his mate was at work, probably handling some new and upcoming band and carving out contracts. He also knew that his Alpha would come running home to him, if he so much as asked. Zayn wasn't that desperate yet though and he was positive he could hang on for a few more hours.

The Omega entered the bathroom, white tiling cool against his bare feet. He tugged off his pants, making sure to throw out the heat pad before ambling over to the large shower/tub, turning the knobs. The 'sha' sound of the water hitting porcelain made Zayn's body relax just a tad knowing that he'd be cooling off in just a matter of seconds. The heady scent of his slick was steadily filling up the decently sized room — Hell, the whole bloody flat probably smelt like him, oranges and amber with a hint of Liam's cedar wood and smokey scent that was now a permanent part of him because they were bonded.

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