Chapter Five The Connections

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The economy had fluctuated to a Gross National Product of -20% in the last four years. The first eight years the economy was on a gradual fault line of an uprising to a fat motion of a higher economy. The GNP and GDP steadily rose to 80%. I think each year was by 10% that's 80% in 8 years which was good. Who knew that a country from an economic depression during the fighting would've to gimmick up with a standardized economic plate. The exports increased month after month in gallons though the economy was on gallows a few years back as well as the imports much more of the ocean line customs was in the Land. The very trading companies that had disappeared during the fallen days were the very ones that presented their claims to the Economic Commission for a rebuke in their acts to re-activate their contracts. Law firms were hired to make the contracts rearranged in the trading iconic phenomenon. Once again the contracts were realigned. They were all happy wealthy men already, what use was it to amass more opulence?
The taxes were too rehabilated to the normality of their old days. A turn of £30,000,000 was made in the fourth year. Wow! A custom to the back days. The last years before the ra-ta-ta-ta I wasn't in the midst of the country the same way I was at that time during the fourth year of a reunion with the Almighty.
The land was unruffled with the boom of trade again many industries were attained to become inconsistent in the extraponent salvation that was a blessing from God. I don't even know if any one did remember Him at that time. No matter what the land was going through the Almighty was on our back to lead us to the front side of the world. I didn't see anything prosper much though the economy was triumphant to us and the rest.


The land was all basic in the trade and the currency. I didn't know much about all the economic rivalry in the region though the concerned authorities all knew about that. The pain that we felt during the fallen regimes had escaped to somewhere far away from our dear land which was so good. I saw many people prosper at no cost. The unemployment rate reduced and the country prospered more with many other benefits. The very poor souls atleast rose to fame economically at their expense all these praises were flourishing to the Almighty and his peers. What then there must be time to prosper and and to default, the defaults were all metalled out during Joel Petterson regime and who knew it would all work all out for a precision of no doubt. I too liked this vogueness say the bourgeois type of life. It may seem too uncontrollable to refer my land to a French title, but what we were experiencing was like world on Mars. Thanks to God who made us what we were at that time. The per capita also retrained to a capability of every man to feed his family nicely you get what I mean. The rivalry that existed was all blurred by our boom. The natives were all destitute about the situation though Lucifer was in prosper of our land. Of course not everyone gets perfect but the Almighty was welcomed with much applauds wherever he went. This was so cute to be touched the might he felt at the time. The rhythm of the land was all d-r-m-f-s...... Basically, the poverty was driven out like a Demon driven out by Jesus. Ecstasy is all what we had, the bad people were all good people. As we all know not everyone gets happy at what you are doing however much it becomes and prosperous. Joel Petterson was all an old man who still felt a lurk to disgrace the Almighty. I saw multi millionaire companies spruce up with no roots, different convenient stores, shops, supershops. I usually never took pride in the business world because I saw that the social part of our life was not going to entice with only the economic ways of growth that had covered all the North East West and South of the land. First, the North was prosperous more than any other region. Little of us did know about that but the stylist bourgeoisie lifestyle of these fellas from the North had peaked at; just an incredible figure. Everything was super first, the growth of the cities, the cars driven, the Education of the land was also the most prosperous. And did the Almighty care about regionalized monopolistic tendencies in the country. The next way I commonly took for granted was the booming bureaucracy on the land. The tedious vitality of the bureaucrats was too desperate, the organization was of more of a lineage than professionalism in ones hands. The eloping days of depression that had capped our subjects and their studious minds had almost been forgotten. With in these eight years nothing bad had been proved right. Either nothing to the political robbers was yet subjected to them, none at all.

Two months later
The Almighty took out a favourable invitation at the National House. Wouldn't you hold a bargain for the upgrading vicious success acquintated by our dear country? The party was to bring more intellectuals to the country, I would be not call them investors cause they didn't know how to invest in much more than what they always carried. The human brain is a soul and everything you feed it with it will grow with all that poisoning be it the gleamy soup of a frog. The days sped fast like the milky way past Earth's orbit. Right the days were to slow, let me say I was too anxious about what was to happen. Sure I was too ecstatical for brawl. Just free of charge of our pockets nothing other than the tax payers money. Did he care? For money deprives you of all your respect and brain even the foetus love you had is all lost. The only thing in my brain looming was the brawl. I meant to be their cause I wanted it off with my entire life. In my forties my life had just propelled to something I never expected to have in my twenties, and now I have it. So what? That was the life we lived with the exception of the nationals who spent more time cooking up their brains to gain what to eat. I would say life is unfair, the most hard working in the society have less or no privilege except us who think for their National fairs we live in paradise on earth. True, it was paradise we gauged our mindless efforts everyday except me.
All was so good with the life. Sarcastically no one wants to be robbed off his paradise. But I wanted to give in mine to those poor souls down below to have an exhausted life of peace and simple work other than the hard life they lived, it is a surprise. Of course let it be.
I would say this was my first capitalist brawl I ever attended, everything was super worked. The vehicles parked at the entrance and exit of the National House. The up to date vehicles that were around were not that expensive but this troops of vehicles call them that way had a fortune of a number of million Euros.

The Real Plate of The Almighty
The first convoy wavered its way through the National House gate. It has an enchanting colour, the first vehicle, with a lively bumper. It brought in tranquility. I think the chauffers and the occupants were all in paradise. The next one pulled over with a leading white Limousine and turned left followers behind were a fleet of ten to eight others. Other convoys pulled in over a given time to time to make the brawl often an occupied one to entertain the Almighty one.
I had not yet seen the President in the previous two days.
The worldly sweet sounds were all in this one place, the majestic models all collected in this favorite park.
On the inner part of the House their contained a group of chairs call them the servants chairs. What I'd not known was the upper reservation was for the bourgeois while the lower section for the commoners. This time I was made again to stay in this commoner section. Was really a commoner even with that close range with the President, this is what I deserved. Really?
Community has the intellect, the non- intellectual ones, the malices, the attenders, and the praisers. The upper section was reserved for none of the many I thought of. With all the good deeds the Almighty was never a human and all the riches he must have given some of like the commoners for this lean moment. But it was impossible.

The President was the last arrival we had at the ceremony, pulling up in his usual Rolls-Royce, though for this time it was just a bit older, with a nausea like texture little did I know that He made this arrangement to pick more sympathy from his new peers the capitalists who were genuinely prepared to veto for anything as long as the long run pays forth more of what had been cashed out. The car came forth with the president the most awaited host at the ceremony. It was all super lucid to see the host come last at an important ceremony to sell his own country and people to the entire fleece of foreigners. The imbecility captivated by the Almighty was a of the highest insanity. I once again got angry at this nuisance it was the first of the nature. Bit of our economy was booming bureaucratically with the nuisances in the major activities but who cared, no one even recognized this at the time. The Chief Justice came first to welcome the President with the arms around the shoulder what an expression. Then the rest came forth with little intensity to them.

The President was presided over to enroll us with a speech, the most ecstatical members were capitalists. He got up hands in pockets, then pulled front his court a crimson velvet worth much more than expected for a one person he swayed like a pea cock to the pulpit. The run way to the pulpit was of a woolen red carpet. On the pulpit their stood two flags one of our country and the other of the capitalists, six mics eloped from the glass pulpit to project the Almighty message from the president. He vehemently cleared his voice and took a deep smile though he had missed a tough slime being thrown on his velvet. He began "The country in which we belong is of a more patience than what he had in either other country or world of the oldies, the red Indians never went patient but us our land was more of the most patience than ever expressed" And he turned and took a frozen sip " So as we know the intelligence of ourselves is the best audience we can give ourselves" On the verge stood the pressmen of KYTV and other stations, radios and other millennium broadcasting services that were free to come at that function.

The multitudes were all set on the TV stations propping at the Almighty and hearing the speech. Every one was so eager at the president's instincts more than the death row one.
He continued "so of now we have a new embracement in our land that will make us prosper for the grandchildren to invest nothing like money, energy and brains into the nation's economy. So who doesn't want that to happen to his grands it will be so grateful for us to prosper more than anyone in the region. That's so good" Applauds proceeded " This evening I'm introducing to you some intellects from the capitalists nations and not that we want them to introduce us to their motives, no, they have come here to make sure we do more economically than before. All I want is my name to be more prosperous than any other leader who came before me and any that will come after me. That's prequel and sequel right hand. As we all know the economy was all bad in the last seven years the economy was all good but before it was no so good. So these chaps will make us a motivated state" Who wouldn't remember his name and character, of course everybody will and can remember each day that passes by. " These gentlemen are here" The congregation was called forward and all heads turned to view them.
The ceremony continued with the nostalgia of the day.


ll these were pretty plus and minus events that rebuked his character. All now we had was a devastated economy with no effort of an uplift by anyone who had the knowledge I think God would save us of this. But where was God? Patience is the best that's all I had in my head.
Joel Petterson, this time paid me an honorable visit, I would say this because he came home in person. I was hibachi grilling and my wife was in the kitchen doing domestic business. We talked about so much more as the grill got the contents roasted and the aroma peaked our noses.
" Now what's remaining to do"
" It's only veto remaining to do"
" Surely, I don't expect that from you, look you work for the Almighty and you say that to your boss" Was this bad or just a provocation I got a long chill
" If it's the truth then why not do that to make the next step clean"
" The Justice is also falling to his ways same captive as him. We must do anything to get him back"
" I thought you and the Justice were at brawls but then we must do much to stop the situation that is heading to our country"
" The capitalists remind me of that melodramatic bawl that we all had how was it at that time"
It was now four years ever since the break of the capitalists. I really got off my mind when this was brought up once more.

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