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yeosang sat with his legs crossed on his bedroom floor, facing his best friend as he waited for the boy to place down his next card. he pursed his lips anxiously as he only had one card left and he had no clue what jongho could be planning.

"red and draw four." jongho states with a smirk on his face, as he sets down the one card that ruins friendships. yeosang glared at jongho intensely, before slowly reaching for four more cards to add to his deck. if that wasn't already enough, yeosang also had no red cards on him. he frowns to himself before drawing another, and another, and finally he drew a red card that saved him from stacking up on uno cards.

"jongho, i hope you know i hate you with a passion right now." yeosang says, as jongho places down a red draw two card. "jongho!" he shouts, before throwing his bead back and groaning in annoyance.

"come on yeo, it's just a game. if you want me to i can go easy on you?" jongho offers, but the pout that had formed on yeosang's lips didn't move an inch. "out of all games we could have chosen to play on the last night we have together before you leave, it just had to be the devil itself..." yeosang says softly, as he lets his head fall down . "jongho.. i don't want you to go..." he admitted sadly, bringing the mood down.

"hey hey, yeosang?" jongho leans forward as be gently lifts yeosang's chin so he see his face. as soon as he noticed that yeosang was teary eyed, he felt his heart drop. he moved the uno cards out of the way so he could make room for himself, and scooted closer to yeosang so he could hold him close. "i won't be gone forever you know that?" yeosang nods into jongho's chest, as he felt the tears slowly starting to fall. luckily yeosang wasn't a hard cryer, and in this case he wouldn't make a fool out of himself.

"as much as i wish i wouldn't have to move so far away from you.. we can video call as much as you want when i'm free, and we can visit each other as well. how does that sound?" jongho tried to sound reassuring as he rubbed small circles on yeosang's back. "it sounds okay, it's just.. jongho it won't be the same anymore.. we won't see each other as much, and what if we grow apart? what if you find someone to replace me?" yeosang questioned things, that even he didn't know the answer to.

"dummy." jongho stated, before pulling away.

"who put such impossible images into your head? you're like my other have yeosang, my heart doesn't beat unless i know you're okay. your name is engraved in my heart, and as your best friend i will always be there for you remember that." jongho says softly as he gently wipes the tears off yeosang's cheeks with his thumbs.

"thank you, jongho. for always being there." yeosang smiled softly, causing jongho to crack a smile too. he loved nothing more than seeing that beautiful smile of yeosang's. his smile was like a drug to cure sadness, and jongho was addicted to it. "of course, i'll always be here even if i'm in another part of the world studying." yeosang pulled jongho into his embrace, before lifting himself of the floor.

"you have a long trip tomorrow, so let's get some sleep? i wouldn't want you to be so tired that you take the wrong flight there." jongho chuckled at his words as he stood up too, "would you come and rescue me if ended up in the north pole freezing my ass off?" he joked, as yeosang handed him a pair of pajamas to borrow. "if you keep giving me things to over think, then i think i might just leave you there with the polar bears, you like alike so you would fit in if you wear all white!."

jongho pouts, "are you calling me a polar bear?."

"pfft no! now hurry up and go get changed while i get your bed ready, go go go!" yeosang shoved jongho into the bathroom before he could say a word, and closes the door on him. he giggled to himself, before grabbing a bunch of blankets to set on the floor. jongho did sleep on the floor, even though yeosang felt bad about it jongho did say it was comfortable. they would sleep in the same bed but yeosang's is only built for one person, it would only end with one of them falling off in the middle of the night.

as he laid down the blankets, he could help but think of all the memories he and jongho had together. they had been friends since forever and one never got tired of the other. jongho and yeosang were like peanut butter and jelly, and wirhout jongho yeosang was just peanut butter. we all know how sad peanut butter is by itself, and this is why yeosang was scared. he didn't want to miss jongho like crazy because he was so used to having the boy by his side through everything.

there was just so many changes yeosang would have to get used to.


i finally started writing a jongsang story, how do my readers feel about this?

honestly though, i just scrolled through book titles and eventually a story idea came to mind, i'm proud of it honestly.

i hope you enjoy it as much as i do though.🥺

𝐢𝐟 𝐰𝐢𝐭𝐡𝐨𝐮𝐭 𝐲𝐨𝐮 ✘Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant