Stories and rumors

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Aj's POV

I walk in Phil's locker room and I turn around and shoves me and I shove him back

Phil:Why are you out acting like a little slut?

Aj:I was practicing moves with a partner what's so slutty about that?

Phil:I heard you were bunking with the guy is that true?

Aj:Yes but he's hardly ever there

Phil:Why didn't you answer my text last night?

Aj:Because Phil I have a job to do not everybody can do what they please and besides I was trying to sleep

Phil:Are you fucking him?

Aj:No I'm not fucking him! Even if I was why are you acting like we're even really dating?

Phil:You're still mine to have

Aj:I don't belong to anybody I'm a grown ass woman!

I open the door and leave the room and I bump into a huge Samoan

Aj:Shit sorry

Joe:You okay?

Aj:Yeah I'm fine

Joe:You're Aj

Aj:Yeah and you are?

Joe:I'm Joe. Jon's friend Jon Good the guy you're gonna be kissi—

Aj:Yeah Jonny

Joe:I'm sorry my chest hit your face a bit

Aj:Yeah it's a big chest hard to not bump into it

Joe:Well I'll see you around


Joe walks away and I walk to catering and sit on a crate and Jon walks up to me with fruit

Jon:Hey spider monkey

Aj:What's the nickname for? We're not friends

Jon:I'm sorry if I'm cutting in line for the invisible friend line but you seemed a little lonely so I got fruit

I look down at the fruit and I pop a strawberry in my mouth and he cracks a smile

Dean:Good right?


Dean:I wanted to talk to you about the angle and how we're gonna be doing things


Dean:So I have a date tonight and I don't want you coming in the room and I'm knee deep in—-

Aj:I get the picture

Dean:Is there anybody you can bunk with tonight?

Aj:Well I don't have friends so...nope

Dean:Not even Phil?

Aj:We're in the middle of an argument

Dean:Hey... I'll cancel the date we can fo something get some pizza

Aj:No enjoy your date and your knee deep-Ing I'm gonna just sleep in the hallway

Dean:No I'll cancel I'll give her some of this lovin another time

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