Tik tock

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Aj's POV

I walk inside the arena and I see Colby and I kiss his cheek and he smiles as Dean and Joe's faces turn pale

Colby:Hey you wanna go get a drink tonight after taping?

Aj:Sounds like a plan

Dean:What the fuck?

Aj:Shit hey Jon

I walk over to Dean and give him a hug and he looks at me fuming

Aj:What I do?

Dean:Nothing get off of me

Dean shoves me and Colby grabs my shoulders and pulls me to him

Colby:I'm gonna go get changed

Aj:Okay cutie

Colby and Joe walk away and Dean stares at me with nothing but rage in his eyes


Dean:You're screwing Colby?

Aj:I'm not screwing anybody

Dean:What about us?

Aj:We're friends?


Aj:Friends we tried to give it a shot and it didn't work out


Aj:No Jon, Colby was right you'll never see me the way I see you

Dean:You've been talking to Colby about us?

Aj:He put things into perspective for me yeah and I can talk to who I want


Aj:Jon enough I have a match

Dean's POV

I watch Aj walking away and I feel my phone buzz and it's a text from Rennè

R:Free for dinner tonight?
D:Yeah I'm free

I shove my phone back in my pocket and walk into the shield's locker room and I punch Colby in his mouth and I feel Joe wrap around my arms

Colby:What the fuck is your problem?!

Dean:You think you can take Aj away from me?



Colby and Aj:What?

I feel Joe's hands fall off my waist and I turn around and see Aj holding Colby's vest


Dean:I gotta go

I storm out the room and brush past Aj and I hear her faint footsteps


I stop in my tracks and Aj grabs my shoulder and turns me around and I open my mouth to speak and Aj grabs my face and kisses me

Aj:Took you long enough to admit it

Dean:Yeah well I don't like you with anybody else

Aj:How do you think I feel?

Dean:Pretty shitty

Aj:Yeah Jon pretty shitty I've been waiting for MONTHS for you to even have some type of feelings for me

I wrap my arms around Aj's waist and she pushes me away completely

Aj:And I'm sick and tired of playing this will they won't they crap with you Jon

Dean:That's not what I'm doing

Aj:That's exactly what you're doing you kiss me then you go on dates with Rennè and fuck her in an airplane

Dean:Okay I'm here now

Aj:It's too late Jon

Dean:Why is it?

Aj:Because Jon I'm not gonna sit around and wait for you I love you Jon but I'm not I need to know I'm not just efficient

Aj walks through the curtains for her match and I turn around and I see Colby and Joe folding their arms

Colby:I'm sorry man...I didn't know you love her

Dean:Yeah neither did I it's doesn't really change anything now huh?

Joe:Are you still going on that date with Rennè?

Dean:I don't know

Joe:I don't think you should man I mea—-

I walk away and I look at my phone and I open it and I see a picture of Aj and I a few weeks ago


I shut my phone off and turn around and face Rennè and she kisses my cheek

Rennè:I'm gonna go do a promo with Aj then I'll be back cool?

Dean:Yeah yeah cool

Rennè walks off and I unlock my phone and I text Aj

D:Hey do you want me to get a different room?
read at 8:57

I exit our messages and I text Rennè

D:Hey something came up I can't go out tonight

I shove my phone back in my pocket and I walk out the arena with my duffle bag and drive to the hotel

Aj's POV

I unlock the hotel door and I see Dean sleeping and I step out of my clothes in only my bra and panties and I lay next to Dean



Dean:You want some of the blanket?


Dean pulls the blanket up and covers me and wraps his arm around my neck and I bury my face in his chest



Dean kisses the back of my head and I grab his hand and interlock his fingers with mine and we fall asleep

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