Don't think

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Aj's POV

I wake up and see Dean sleeping with bit of drool on his lip and I stand up and walk into the bathroom and I wash my phone ringing and I run in the room and pick up

C:Hey I was wondering if you wanted to grab some coffee?
A:Yeah I would be I love coffee just give me 15 or 20 minutes and I'll meet you there
C:I'll just walk down the hall when you're ready

I hang up the phone and Dean shoots up from the bed and stares at me

Aj:No I refuse to do this with you

Dean:Do what?

Aj:Why can't you let me be happy?

Dean:Happy? You're happy? Or is he just the next best thing?

Aj:He's funny and kind and charming and he's not emotionally checked out like you

Dean:Checked out?

Aj:Yes checked out Jon you cuddle me all night you let me kiss you and then you go on a date with Rennè like it meant nothing to you

Dean:Maybe I wouldn't be so checked out if you stopped fucking the same guy

Aj:I stopped fucking Phillip

Dean:Cut the bullshit I saw your phone

Dean stands up and storms to my phone and throws it at the wall and I jump in fear


Aj:Okay so I fucked Phil once since you came along does that mean I don't care about you?

Dean:That's exactly what that means!

Aj:Jon I love you you idiot!

Dean:You love me? And date my best friend?

Aj:You don't think it's hard for me to not be with you?

Dean:April I love you

Aj:Then you fuck Rennè on a plane?

Dean:You don't get it do you?

Aj:That you don't care like you claim you do


Aj:No! Jonathan you're insane if you think I'm gonna stick around and wait for you to love me

I walk into the bathroom and lock the door and take a shower and Dean pounds on the door

Aj:Go away Jon!

Dean:Aj open the door


I get dressed and unlock the door and Dean looks down at me with his arms folded and I walk past him

Dean:You kissed me

Aj:I'm going out

I walk out the hotel after putting my shoes on and meet Colby at the Cafe

I wish I could get him off my mind


Aj:Hey Cee

Colby:I already ordered us 2 larges

Aj:You know how to make a lady swoon don't you

Colby:I guess I do

Colby kisses my cheek and we sit down and wait for our coffee

Colby:So how you'd sleep?

Aj:Great actually

I think about Jon's body wrapped around mine and his breath on my neck


Colby:Like a log...Aj?


Colby's facial expression changes as he grabs my hands

Aj:What's wrong?

Colby:Jon is my best friend

Aj:Yeah I know

Colby:And I can't continue this thing we're doing knowing he's in pain

Aj:He's screwing Rennè


Aj:So you're halting your life for him

Colby:Besides I see the way you look at him

Aj:Colby I like yo—

Colby:You love that guy stop lying to everybody


Colby:I'm not an idiot you bunk with him every night

Aj:We don't do anything

Colby:April you love him

Aj:You're right

Colby lets go of my hand and I hug him with tears falling down my eyes

Aj:Thank you

4 hours later

I walk into the arena and I see Dean eating an apple and I walk over to him and pull him in my embrace

Aj:I'm sorry


Aj:You're the best friend a girl could have and I can't lose you

Dean wraps his arms around my neck and hugs me tighter

Dean:I'm sorry too bestie

Aj:I'm sorry Jon we can get ice cream my treat

Dean:Sounds like a plan

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