Chapter 4

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The next morning Wyatt and her woke up to the sound of a picture being taken.

"Awww! You're so cute!" Willa laughed before putting her phone away and watching Wyatt roll his eyes. They had chocolate chip and blueberry pancakes for breakfast, Addison's favorite and got packed up.

"Wanna play a quick game of truth or dare before we go," Wynter asked and grinned.
"Sure," they all sat down at the table.

"Ok. I'll go first... Eliza! Truth or dare," Wynter asked.


"Hmm... if you had to be an object for a year what would you be?"

"Easy! A computer!"

"We should've seen that coming," Addison laughed.

"Truth or dare, Wyatt," Eliza asked.


"I dare you... to hug Willa."

"Ugh." He looked annoyed and hugged her and she laughed.

"I know ya love me."

"Truth or dare, Willa," he smirked.

"Dare I guess..."

"Kiss Eliza on the cheek."

"What?! Why?!"

"Just do it!" She looked shocked and blushed a ton.

"I don't think that's a good idea!" Willa started to panic a bit and it became obvious that there was something between them. Willa never gets nervous or shows it. She once told him that showing fear makes you weak. She obviously had feelings for her. Although she never told anyone Wyatt always had a feeling she was a lesbian. Eliza stayed calm and laughed a little.

"It's fine. Just do it." Willa hesitated for a moment then went for her cheek but Eliza turned her head and Willa ended up giving her a quick peck on the lips. She blushed and Eliza laughed slightly.

"When's the wedding?!" Bree teased.

"Oh haha." She rolled her eyes then glanced at Eliza and Wyatt couldn't help but notice then intense eye contact between them. Willa looked away after a moment then looked at Addison.

"Truth or dare?"

"Ummm... dare."

"I dare you... to kiss Wyatt." He looked at her and she blushed a ton. He laughed slightly then gently grabbed her waist and pulled her onto his lap.

"Come on. Don't be shy, cutie." She started at him for a moment then quickly pulled away and got up.

"I'm done playing this game."

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