Gerard Way- I Am NOT Dating Gerard Way

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Gerard's pov

The boys and I sat around on a couch as an interviewer sat on one across from us. Camera men stood filming us as we talked.

"Next question, from one of the girls, any of you available?" He asked, chuckling.

"Available?" I asked.

"To date!" Frank cried, "Yes in fact I am." He winked at the camera.

"Nah, I gotta girl." Ray said.

"Yeah, I'm not with anyone..." Mikey spoke.

"What about you, Gee?" He asked, "Gotta girl?"

"Uh, n-"

"He's gotta girl!" Frank interrupted, I elbowed him, "Ow..."

"Now I'm intrigued, who's this girl?"

"Her name's Y/n." Frank said. Thanks Frank, ugh...

"Y/n? Who's Y/n?" The interviewer asked.

"Just this girl, I dunno," I spoke nervously, rubbing the side of my neck, "We're not really dating it's kinda this, casual thing. It's not super serious or anything..." The interviewer hummed.

"Next question..." finally... I hope she won't be mad...

Your pov

I sat in a coffee shop with my friend Rachel, talking and sipping on our coffee.

"Oh dude!" She cried, then shuffled through her bag.


"Have you seen the latest My Chem interview!?"

"No, why?" She slid her phone to me along with earbuds.

"Watch it, but, wait," She stood behind me as I put on the earbuds and hit play, "This part."

"What about you, Gee?" The interviewer asked, "Gotta girl?"

"Uh, n-" He began, but was cut off by Frank.

"He's gotta girl!" Gerard hit his friend, "Ow..."

"Now I'm intrigued, who's this girl?"

"Her name's Y/n." Frank said. Oh shit... oh fuck, oh shit, no! Is my cover blown!?

"...We're not really dating it's kinda this, casual thing. It's not super serious or anything." He sent a nervous look to the camera. Shit...

"Isn't that so weird!?" My friend cried, taking the phone back, "He's dating a girl with the same name as you." Oh...

"Yeah, it's so weird." I nervously laughed.

"Oh I couldn't imagine how great it'd be to date the Gerard Way!" She smiled, "I bet he gives the best hugs." I smiled.

"Yeah, I bet he does..." he does...

"Dude, I just remembered," I sent a look, "I met this guy the other day, and I just think he'd be perfect for you."

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