Josh Dun- Josh Likes You

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Your pov

Just like everyday of school, I quietly made my way into my fifth period class. I sat in the very back left corner by the window. My fellow students were beginning to pile through the door. I didn't take much notice to them, until a boy with vibrant red hair walked in.

Joshua Dun... my crush... he's so pretty... ugh... he'd never go for a girl like me... why would he? He's so much cooler...

"Y/n!" My best friend Lina chirped, taking her seat in front of me.

"Lina!" I copied her tone, "What's up?"

"Well, I know something you don't!"

"Yeah? And what might that be?" Her eyes darted towards the red haired boy sat across the room, then back to me.

"Josh likes you."

"What!?" I was totally astonished by the sudden information. Why would he like me? Out of all people?

"Yeah, Tyler told me!" I rested my head on my desk, "You should ask him out."

"No, I'm not gonna ask him out."

"But why not?" She asked as the bell rung.

"Have you seen him? He's just, too good for me."

"Oh please, you're great! I-"

"Lina! Quit talking!" The teacher spat. Lina just rolled her eyes, keeping her focus on mine.

"Just ask him out. It's not that hard." Her voice went to a hushed tone.

"Uhm, yeah it is! Have you ever asked someone out!? It sucks! I get so nervous and flustered and-"

"Y/n! Lina!" We gazed up at the teacher, "If whatever it is you're talking about is so important, why don't you share it with the whole class?" We both went completely silent, she just stood there with a single eyebrow stuck up and her gaze on us.

"Y/n has a crush on Josh!" Lina blurted, then immediately slapped a hand over her mouth. My eyes went wide as I stared at my friend. What the hell!? Why didn't she make something up!? Fuck! Fuck... no...

Upset, I buried my face in hands as the class was completely silent.

"Haha, Y/n has a crush on Josh, that's a weakness cause she cares about someone!" Some girl I didn't know very well laughed. The rest of the class ended up joining in, with the exception of Lina and I of course.

Without any thought at all, I ran out of the classroom, and somehow found myself in the bathroom. I sat on the floor of the last stall, knees to chest, crying in my hands. Goddamnit... this is awful... I hate this...

The bathroom door then slowly opened. Quiet footsteps made their way across the linoleum floor, before softly knocking on the last stall.

"Y/n...?" Lina asked.

"Go away," I sniffed.

"I'm sorry. I didn't mean to say it, it just, slipped," It went quiet, "You gonna be okay?"

"No, you told our whole fifth period I liked Josh. They laughed at me. It's probably travelled through the whole school by now," I spoke fast between my sobs, "I'm such an idiot!" I cried, dropping my face into my knees.

"No way, I'm the idiot here. Why don't we skip sixth period? We could go to my house, hang out for a bit."

"I don't wanna. I just wanna sit in here and wallow in my sadness."

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