Chapter one: I'm an Oakenshield

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Above is what Raven looks like on the rights and on the left is what she is wearing.

Raven POV

I sighed and trudged along the path back to my home. My friends Scottie and Kela triling behind me. I listened to them laugh and talk while I navigated to make sure we didn't get lost...again. "Hey! Hey raven look!" I turned and watched Kila shoot an arrow at a squirrel and it screech and jump seven feel to a tree. I laughed and shook my head. "Why? Just why?" I laughed as we found ourselves back in the Shire. "Ahhh I can't wait to stuff my face~!" Scottie said. I glanced at my friends. Scottie was just like me, half dwarf and half elf. Scottie was a true fighter and smart as well. Though I've never seen a girl down nine pints of ale as fast as she can. She had long bright red hair and emerald green eyes. She braided one patch of her hair around her ears, seeming as though it was shaved off, but wasn't. She was taller than me and muscular. Kila...nothing more than a brilliant rampage on the battle field. Despite her being full elf she was very short, we never understood why she wasn't as tall as an elf. She's one of the greatest fighters I've ever seen, has no fear. Except spiders, she hates those. She had short pixieish boyish white hair. Her left ear was pierced to hell and back and she had Brilliant yellow eyes laces with brown. If I had to pick two people to trust with my life it would be them. "Do you guys want to come to my house after you get unpacked and bathe?" I asked. We had gone on a three day journey to hunt for orcs and practice our fighting, very successful actually. "Aye! I'll come in a couple hours." Scottie said before running off to her home down the road from me. Kila smiled at me and smacked my back, "Raven O'herra have I ever turned down coming to your house?" She said with a laugh. "Yes, when Sam was cooking a pig." I said with a smile. She frowned then shrugged "well could ya blame me? It was a pig! Anyways, I'll come by later!" She said. I smiled and waved, "bye!" I said before running up the hill to my home. I noticed a large man ahead of me, in a long grey cloak. "Hello!" I said gaining his attention. He turned and looked down at me. Though I was half dwarf and elf, I gained Dwarvish height and elvish beauty. "Why hello there, good morning!" He said with a smile. I suddenly remembered exactly who this was. "By my beard, aren't you Gandalf? Gandalf the grey?" I asked. He smiled and nodded. "What are you doing in the shire?" I asked. "I'm looking for a friend, Bilbo Baggins." He said. I smiled at the convince. "He's my neighbor! I can show you to his house if you like?" I offered. "I would be glad to have the company on my walk home." I said. Gandalf smiled and nodded, "that would be lovely. Your quite polite for being a dwarf." He said. I looked up at him, "how did you know I was a dwarf?" I asked. "You look like someone I know. That and your height. Your to tall to be a hobbit, and to short to be an Elf." He said. I smiled smugly. "Well I am Hal-" "elf, I figured that out too." I frowned. "Keen eyes, I'm impressed." I laughed as we approached my house. "Pleasure meeting you Mr. Gandalf." I said holding my hand out to him. "I never got your name my dear, what is it?" I went to answer but my mother successfully cut me off and answered the question. "RAVEN O'HERRA ,YOU GET YOUR BUTT OVER HERE RIGHT NOW!!" I winced and turned. "Ahaha well there's my name, pleasure!" I yelled before running to my angry elven mother. "What did I do?!" I asked. "I said you could go on your little adventure with your friends AFTER you cleaned your room!" She yelled I sighed and marched into the house and started to clean. I couldn't help but remember Gandalf give me an odd look after seeing my mother. "Weird..."

After a while I finally cleaned my room and took a bath. I scrubbed my brown hair, hitting rid of all the dirt it had in it. I took a deep breath and plunged my head into the water to rinse it out. I came back up and whipped my face before getting out of the bath. I dried myself off and wrapped a towel around my body. As I walked across the house to my room I stopped and looked at my mom who was happily cooking dinner before my father got home. "Mom..." I said. "Yes dear?" She asked glancing at me. My mother was beautiful...I couldn't deny it. She had long waist length almost white blonde hair, with bright green eyes that I had gotten. She was tall and slender with smooth perfect skin. I thought to my father...he was loud and rude sometimes and over all irritating in my opinion, though very nice occasionally. He had ginger red hair and dark tan skin. He was a dwarf but I don't think he's my dad. Just couldn't be, I look nothing like him. " I have a question..." I said sitting down, fixing my towel so it wouldn't fall. "Yes?" She sang. "Is Dougle really my dad?" I asked. My mother stopped. "Why do you ask..." She said. I shrugged, "I don't's just I look nothing like him, I have zero in common and honestly mom your so beautiful I highly doubt you made a child with him...oh and you let me get away with calling him Dougle and not dad." I said. She cracked a grin, "Raven go get dressed, we will talk about this later." I sighed and nodded before hobbling my way to my room. I dressed myself and brushed through my hair. I braided the hair in front of my ears and grinned at my appearance and heard a knock at the door. "Raven! Scottie and Kila are here!" My mother shouted. I opened my door and smiled at them. "Guys come here!!" I said. They came and immediately hopped onto my bed and stretched out. "So after you guys left guess who I ran into?" I said as I sat myself in the bay window ledge looking at them. "That really hot hobbit guy we saw picking his nose at the lake?" Kila asked. I laughed shook my head. "Gandalf! He was looking for Mr. Baggins house." I said. They sat up and looked at me confused. "So?" Scottie asked. "He said that I look like someone he knows and he gave me really odd looks after he saw my mom." I said. Kila smiled, "are you thinking the whose 'Dougle isn't my dad' thing again?" She asked. I nodded, "guys think about it...I look nothing like him! My mom never EVER actually says he's my dad she always avoids it. She never actually says it." I said. Suddenly Scottie pushed past me and shut the curtains. "It's to bloody bright, anyways, Raven I think you should just let it go. Even if he's not your dad who cares? He still raised you...kind of." She said. I rolled my eyes and heard my mother call us for dinner. All three went out and I was hugged by Dougle. "Hello lass, hello Kila, Scottie." He said smiling. "Hey Mr. O'herra!" They said as we all three started setting out plates.

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