Chapter 4: Troll caves and wizards

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Raven POV

I walked between my father and Kila, we both glanced back to see Scottie once again speaking with the Dwalin. "Hm, they seem to be getting along." Kila said, "I's weird. I mean given the thing with her dad." I said. "Yeah, I know." Kila replied. "What happened to her dad?" Thorin asked. I looked up at him with a sad smile. " sorry but I don't think this is the right time of place to talk about that." I said. Kila nodded in agreement, reason being as to why it was a bad time...Scottie was in earshot. Thorin nodded and looked forward with a face of disgust. I took a wif and almost threw up right then and there. "That smells awful!" I said covering my nose. Kila gagged a slight bit. "That my dear Raven is a troll cave." Gandalf said as he led us deeper inside. "Well they sure do need some flowers or something because they stink." Kila said. "They don't need anything, their dead." I laughed. Kila made an o form with her mouth and shrugged. Scottie came and walked with us as we looked around the troll cave. I stumbled upon a silver bow and picked it up. "Mr. Gandalf!" I yelled. "Yes?" He said. "Is this elvish?" I asked as I showed him the bow. "Why yes, it seems it was made in Rivendell." He said. I smiled and looked for Kila. "Hey! Come here," I said. Kila quickly walked over and I handed her the bow. "'s beautiful..." She whispered running her fingertips along it as she walked away with it. I smiled and ended up by myself looking around. "Raven." I heard my fathers voice behind me. I turned and looked up at him. "Take need a better sword." He said. I looked at my sword, "well what's wrong with mine?" I asked. Thorin shook his head, "don't take this the wrong way, that sword and beautiful and well crafted but that seems more like one you would prefer to keep looking nice and that sword," he pointed to the sword I had yet seen since it was still in it's case, "is one that could do some major damage." He said. I nodded, "okay." I said as I put my sword away and pulled out the other one. "'s so pretty." I said.

Thorin POV

I looked at this girl...who claimed to be my daughter. I couldn't have a daughter...could I? Her mother would have told me. I looked over her features, she was a little shorter than I was with dark brown hair like mine. Her voice was angelic and her skin was pale and smooth. I couldn't deny that she did look like Aetne. Suddenly she looked up at me and I saw it...those eyes...those bright green eyes. My eyes widened as I looked at her. "I-is something wrong?" She asked. I shook my head, "no...nothing's wrong." I said before turning to walk away. Suddenly Dwalin was in front of me. "What's wrong?" He asked. I looked at him then back to Raven to see her still looking at the sword. "Come here," I said as I led him to the furthest privet spot in the cave. "It's Raven..." I said. "What about her?" Dwalin asked leaning against the wall. "The night when they where planning on joining us for camp, she told me she was my daughter...and that her mother was Aetne." I said. Dwalins eyes widened in shock. He looked around the corner at Raven who was now joking and laughing with Bofur and Scottie. "I could see that." Dwalin said. "What?!?!" I said. Dwalin looked at me dead in the eyes, "she looks like you, the hair, the skin, the way she carries herself." He said. I ran a hand through my hair and sighed. "Do you think she was telling the truth?" I asked. Dwalin shrugged, "what did she tell you?" He asked. "Exactly what happened between Aetne and I. How our relationship was a secret, Smaug, intricate details about everything. I don't know how anyone could know that unless it was true." I said. "She fights like you." Dwalin said. I nodded, "yes, she does." I said. Dwalin smirked at me and slapped a hand onto my shoulder, "congratulations, your a father." He said with a laugh and I glared at him. I shook my head, "thanks." I said as I walked back to the company. Raven looked back and ran up to me. "Look what I found!!!!" She said practically bouncing up and down. She showed me a set of throwing knives that where in excellent shape. "Do you know how to use these?" I asked. She shrugged, "kind of..." She said. I placed a hand on her shoulder, "I'll teach you at one point." I said, I watched her eyes light up as she smiled and nodded. "Come on, we must get going." I said, leading Raven and the rest of the company out of the cave. "So where to now?" Kila asked as her and Scottie joined us up front. "I actually don't know...Thorin?" Raven said while looking to me. I was about to reply when suddenly we heard someone coming.

Raven POV

"Something's coming!" Thorin yelled as he pulled me behind him. I pushed back and stood next to him drawing my sword. "What are you doing?!" He yelled. "Do you honestly think NOW is a good time to question it?" I snapped back. Suddenly a pack of rabbits busted through the bushes pulling a sleigh. "Thieves! Fire! Murder!" The man on the sleigh yelled. I raised an eyebrow and put my sword away, "uh...I don't think this guys a threat." I said. "Radagast! Radagast the brown!" Grandad said with a smile. "Agreed." Thorin said putting away his sword. "Ugh...he smells weird." I heard Kila mumble beside me. "Hehehe kinda like when your mom tried to cook that wild turkey Raven!" Scottie said with a laugh. I couldn't help but burst out laughed along with Kila, "it's painful how accurate that is!" I said laughed wiping a tear away from my eye. "Girls, go stand with the others for now." Thorin said. We nodded and went to the back with Bilbo. "Hey Mr. Baggings do you remember when her mom tried to cook that wild turkey?" Kila asked him. Bilbo got a smirk on his face and laughed, "how could I not? Half the shire smelt disgusting for a week!" Bilbo said. I laughed and nodded. "Imagine my house! Where I had to inhale it." I said. "Whoa, I feel bad for you Raven." Bilbo said with a smile. I laughed and nodded before my father joined us. "That man is weird. He just pulled a bug out of his mouth." Thorin said. "Not the most tasteful..." Kili muttered standing next to me. I grinned and looked back to see Gandalf and him talking. I flinched when a loud warg howl erupted. "Wolves? A-are there wolves out here?" Bilbo asked. "Wolves? No that's no wolf." Bofur said. Suddenly Ori was tackled by a warg that came out of nowhere. My dad quickly pulled out his sword and stabbed the beast, I grabbed Kila's axe and finished it off. Soon another one jumped over the bushes and Kili quickly shot it, followed by Dwalin killing it. "Warg-Scouts! Which means an Orc pack is not far behind." Thorin said. "Who did you tell beyond your kin of your quest?" Gandalf asked. "No one!" Thorin said. "Who did you tell!!" Gandalf yelled. "No one I swear!" Thorin yelled. "What in Durin's name is going on??" I asked. "You are being hunted." Gandalf said. "We have to get out of here." Dwalin said. "How? We have no ponies!" Ori said. "We could run for it. That's always an option...not a good one but it's there." Kila said. "I'll draw them off." Radagast said. "What? Won't they outrun you? Those are gundabad wargs aren't they?" I Scottie asked. "These are Rhosgobel Rabbits; I'd like to see them try." Radagast said. "Whew, sassy I like you." Kila said with a smile. I snickered and was quickly nudged by my father, I looked and he shoot his head. Though I did see the tiniest grin. "So you'll draw them off?" I asked. Radagast nodded, and took off.

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