Chapter 2: please believe me

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Above is what Scottie and Kila look like. Kila is on the left however she has short boyish white hair instead of long. On the right is Scottie, only she has the right side of her hair braided back to look as though it's cut off but it's only braided I don't know how much better to describe that. :)

Raven POV

I felt myself being shoved off the bed and fell on the hard wood floor. "Ow! Damnit Scottie!" I yelled and smacked her causing her to wake up and kick Kila off the other side. "Agh! Really?!?" Kila said. I glanced out the window and my eyes widened seeing the dwarves getting ready to leave. "Shit! Guys! Get ready! Hurry!!" I yelled before all three of us bustled around the room packing as fast as we could. "Kila can we borrow your ponies??" I asked. She nodded then ran out the door to go her them while I packed the rest of her stuff.

Kila POV

I ran out of Ravens out and hopped the fence. However I realized to get to my house I had to go past Bilbos. "'s not like they know who I am and if I run fast they can't catch me!" I said to myself as I sprinted towards Bilbos fence. I ran and one of the dwarves stepped out of know where and I used his shoulders to hurdle over him. "Sorry!!!" I yelled back. I ran to my house and straight to the barn behind it. I quickly saddled three of my horses and got on mine before leading the other too with me back to Ravens house. As I passed Bilbos house again one of the dwarves stopped me. "Hey wherent you the one who just leaped over me?" He asked with a smile. I looked him over, he had a cheery grin and a funny hat. "Heh yeah...I'm sorry about that." I said. "It's alright lass, where ya goin?" He asked. I pointed at Ravens house. "On an adventure with my friends!" I said with a smile then mentally slapped myself for saying that. "Oh whe-" he was cut off when Thorin came out. "Who are you?" He asked. I didn't want to say anymore and panicked before deciding to just run off. I rode back to Ravens out and around the back. I got off my horse and pet them. "Stay here" I said before going back inside to see Raven writing out a note to her mother. I lived on my own with my friend he really didn't need to know where I was going.

Raven POV

I finished writing a note to my mother explaining to her about how we where going to follow my father to Erabor. Kila came back in and gave me a thumbs up. I looked at Scottie, "aren't you going to leave one for your parents?" I asked. She shook her head. "They don't need to know...we should leave." She said. I nodded and looked at Kila. We followed and got onto the horses she had brought. My horse was named Star because of the little patch of white fur on her butt looked like a star, other than that she was black. Kila had her horse Zarena who was a beautiful all white horse with blue eyes, and Scottie's horse was a large auburn horse named Talet. We watched the dwarves leave, "Mr. Baggins isn't with them." Scottie said. I furrowed my brows and huffed. "That doesn't matter, let's go we're far enough away to not look suspicious." I said as we started to ride out on the same path as my father.

We kept a close eye on them and stayed relatively quiet. Suddenly we panicked as Mr. Baggins ran past us but managed to recognize us. I jumped off my horse and shoved him into the bushes. "Mr. Baggins I know this seems strange but we're following them because we want to see our home Erabor please please PLEASE act normal and don't say anything." I begged. Bilbos eyes where wide as he nodded furiously. I smiled and shoved him out of the bush and sent him off. I hoped back on my horse and sighed. "What did you say to him?" Kila asked. "The truth." I simply stated. "You told him your dad is Thorin?!" Kila asked. "Oh no, about us wanting to see Erabor so we're following them." I said. Kila nodded and looked forward to see their company stopped. We decided to stop since Scottie needed to pee anyways. Kila and I watched closely as the white haired dwarf was looking at the contract bilbo had in his hands. "Give him a pony." I heard Thorin say. Just then Scottie came running back from the woods and tripped over mahal knows what. "AGH DAMNIT!" She yelled. I widened my eyes in terror as the dwarves looked back. I saw one of them get off their pony and come running. "Oh no..." I muttered. I got off of my horse and fixed my coat.

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