Chapter 3: trolls

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Raven POV

I stirred in my sleep and opened my eyes slightly to see slits of daylight coming through. I sat up and looked down to see that the dwarves where gone. "Shit! Really???" I groaned. "What?! What happened??" Kila said popping up with a leaf stuck to her cheek. "The dwarves are gone. Scottie, wake up." I said nudging the redhead with my foot. She yawned and sat up. I stood and stretched before decided to look for tracts of their ponies. I hopped onto my horse and rode down to where they where sleeping. I looked around for a long while and screamed in frustration. "Hey Raven!!" Kila yelled from above. "What?!?!" I said irritated. "Bilbo left us a note!!!" She said. My eyes widened and I smiled. "Really? What does it say?!" I asked. "It says go north, if you ride fast you will catch up with us. Sooo Head straight north, oh and it says good luck." She said. I smiled and mentally thanked the hobbit. "We should probably get going, it's not to late into the morning so they can't be far." Scottie said getting onto her horse. I nodded and started off north in a full run, Scottie and Kila in tow.

We rode about an hour before we stopped abruptly seeing the dwarves ahead. "How do you know it's them?" Scottie asked squinting her eyes. "I can see Gandalf's pointy wizard hat." I giggled. Kila laughed and punched my arm. "So let's just stay this distance away from them, then we will camp where we can still see them and switch off to be on watch so this doesn't happen again." I said. The two nodded and we began to speak about the other dwarves. "Kili and Fili are really handsome don't you think?" Kila asked me with a smirk. "That sucks for you Raven, being related to them and all." Scottie laughed. I huffed and nodded. "I spoke with that big dwarf Dwalin, he was actually very nice." Scottie said. I smiled at her, "yeah he seems scary in my opinion." Kila said, I shrugged not really sure who to agree with since I haven't spoken to him.

We rode for what seemed like forever until we saw the dwarves finally making camp, I yawned and led our trio a little ways away from them. "Ugh my butt hurts." I heard Kila grumble causing me to laugh. "Don't laugh at my butt pain!" She laughed and threw a stick at me. "Shh!! Haha their gonna hear us." Scottied laughed as she set up where she was going to sleep. I nodded and playfully glared at Kila, "yeah Kila, Shh!!" I smiled. Kila just rolled her eyes and set up her sleeping area. We all sat down and started to eat, "you know for us being so close I'm surprised they haven't noticed us." Kila said looking to the company. "I know, a little oblivious arnt they." I mumbled. "I'm gonna go spy," I said standing up, Scottie stood up as well. "I'm going with you." She said. I nodded. "I'm gonna stay here and watch the horses, my butt still hurts." Kila said giving me a thumbs up. I smiled and started sneaking ober towards the company. Scottie and I dove behind a bush and listened in on Thorin and Gandalf's conversation.

"I think it would be wiser to move on. We could make for the Hidden Valley." Gandalf said. "I have told you already, I will not go near that place." My father growled, I rolled my eyes at his attitude. "Why not? The elves could help us. We could get food, rest, advice." Gandalf urged. "I do not need their advice." Thorin said. Stubborn isn't he? "We have a map that we cannot read. Lord Elrond could help us." Gandalf said, I could tell he was starting to get irritated. "Help? A dragon attacks Erebor, what help came from the Elves? Orcs plunder Moria, desecrate our sacred halls, the Elves looked on and did nothing. You ask me to seek out the very people who betrayed my grandfather and betrayed my father." Thorin said. I suddenly felt bad now knowing why he didn't like elves. "You are neither of them. I did not give you that map and key for you to hold on to the past." Gandalf said. "I did not know that they where yours to keep." Thorin said. Saddened we saw Gandalf storm past the company. "Everything alright? Gandalf, where are you going?" Bilbo asked concerned. "To seek the company of the only one around here who's got any sense." Gandalf said sternly. "Who's that?" Bilbo asked. "Myself Mr Baggins! I've had enough dwarves for one day." Gandalf yelled. "Come on, Bombur, we're hungry." Thorin said, ignoring the fact that Gandalf had left. "Is he coming back?" Bilbo asked Balin who looked quite unsure. "Come on, let's go back." I whispered. Scottie nodded and we quietly snuck back to our camp. "How'd it go?" Kila asked. "Good, we didn't get seen." I said. "Yeah but her dad and Gandalf got into a fight and he left." Scottie said. "Thorin or Gandalf?" Kila asked. "Gandalf." I answered. "Ohh, that sucks." She said. I nodded in agreement and turned to watch the company. They where merry, all except my father. 'he needed to lighten up just a little...doesn't he know that there's always good times to be happy no matter the circumstance?' I thought to myself. I turned and decided to partake in Scottie and Kila's conversation on who would win in a drinking contest, elves or dwarves? "I think elves." I said. "Really?!" Scottie said surprised. "Yeah I mean the only reason I can hold my liquor is because I'm half of both but I'm just pretty sure that elves would win." I said. Kila laughed and high fived me. We spent a while talking and joking like that, checking on the company every now and then.

Later into the night Scottie and I where still wide awake and alert however Kila was asleep. All of a sudden we noticed all the dwarves running into the forest. "What's going on?" Scottie asked standing up with me. "I have no idea." I said. We ran over to their camp and looked in the direction of where they ran. "Do you think their in trouble?" Scottie said, I noticed her gripping her sword tightly. I pulled out mine and shook my head, "I don't know, let's go." I said as I led her into the forest. We crouched behind a long to see something surprising. All the dwarves where stuffed in sacks and some where being cooked. "Should we help them?" I asked. Scottie nodded, "unless you want your dad to me a dwarf kabob along with your cousins." She said. I smiled and nodded. We snuck around behind the trolls and I snuck out and sliced through one of their heels. "AHHHH!!!" It screamed. I laughed and dove out of the way and clumped up a rock to look at them. "It's Raven!!" Kili yelled. "Hey! What in mahal is the deal?" I yelled at the troll. It growled and swung it's massive arm at me only for me to jump over it. Suddenly I watch knife become lodged in it's cheek. "AGH!" It growled and pulled it out. "If you could not do that! It would be in your best interest." Scottie growled. The trolls yelled and started attacking us. We only lasted so long with their massive strength before I was grabbed by the leg and thrown against a boulder and Scottie was tied to cook over the fire. I was layed on the pile in a sack. "Good job." Thorin said. I glared at him, "shut up! we where trying to help you! It's not our fault we arnt good with beating large things. Kila is." I said. Bilbo looked at me. "Where is Kila anyways?" Bilbo asked. I sighed and shrugged, "I have no idea." I mumbled.

"I've never eaten an elf before....I wonder what they taste like!!" The stupid troll said happily clapping his hands. "Excuse me! I'm not full elf!" Scottie yelled. She coughed as they sprinkled seasoning on her and held her over his mouth. "Oh mahal Kila where are you..." I said panicked. Out of nowhere we saw an arrow shoot right into the trolls eyes. It screamed in agony as it pulled the arrow out. I looked and saw Kila in the splits between two trees holding herself up while aiming again. "DROP HER OR YOUR DEAD." She shouted. "What's a little pixie like you going to do?" The bigger one said. "Do you really wanna see what I'm gonna do?" She asked. "Please, show us," they said with a smug smile. Kila smirked and shot another arrow into it's head. She quickly dropped from. The tree and dove over our pile of sacks. I watched her pull out her sword and grab one of the swords out of the ground and jump, stabbing the swords into the trolls back to pulled herself up. She then rammed not only her sword but the sword she picked up into each side of the trolls neck, causing it to choke on it's own blood and die. "YOU KILLED HIM!" The large troll yelled. "Your damn right. And I'll kill you both if you don't LET THEM GO!" She yelled twirling the sword in her hand, ready to fight again. "Your dead!" The troll yelled. Kila dived over to me and quickly cut open the sack and let me out before handing me a sword. "You take the smaller one if needed. I'm gonna argue." She said. I nodded and got up. "It's a shame that three big trolls can't take on one small girl!" She yelled. "This little brat is taking us for weaklings!" The troll yelled. Before Kila had a chance to reply Gandalf came out of nowhere on top of a large boulder. "The dawn will take you all!!" He yelled before slamming his staff splitting the boulder in half, allowing sunlight to pour in and turn the remaining trolls to stone. "Gandalf!" Kila and I said happily. I turned and pulled out my knife and started releasing the dwarves in the sacks while Kila got the cooking ones including who was Scottie who was stuck in one of the Trolls stone hands. "Wow! Kila your amazing!!" Fili yelled. I watched a small blush go across her face. "Heh thank you..." She said. "You two where amazing as well, it takes guts go go up against trolls when your out numbered like that." Dwalin said to Scottie and I. "Well, we're a lot better with Orcs than Large beasts like trolls." I said. "What do you mean?" Thorin asked behind me. "Well, we have better stamina and quick reflexes so we're better with things our size than large things you have to scale to kill like Kila did." I said. Thorin nodded, then went to speak with Gandalf. Bilbo came up to us and smiled. "Thank you for saving us." He said. I looked over at Kila who was showing off her sword to my cousins, "she's the one that did it!" I laughed. Bilbo smiled and hugged me, then Scottie. "None the less, you threw where brave enough to do it. I was about to resort to yelling out for you guys." He said. "Well I guess we where one step ahead then." I said with a smile then looked at Gandalf who was speaking to Thorin and pointing to me. "FINE." Thorin yelled then came over to Scottie, Kila and I. "Would you three like to join us?" He asked. "Join you where?" I asked. Though I already knew where. "To reclaim our home! We could use fighters like you three!" Fili said. I smiled and nodded, as did Scottie and Kila. "We would be honored." I said. Balin smiled and patted me on the shoulder, "well then, welcome Scottie, Kila and Raven, to the company of Thorin Oakenshield." Balin said. We all smiled and thanked him. "So...where to now?" Kila asked. "Well, we are going to try and find the cave these trolls where hiding in." Gandalf said. "Oh yeah, they must have one near by to stay in during the day." I said. Thorin nodded then led the way along with Gandalf.

Royal Blood (Thorin Oakenshield StoryOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora