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Her POV:

My first day at UCI—all I have planned is forensics class and gender studies, then dance practice. Finally, I got out of my small town and I'm attending my dream school. I feel small though, but I worked my ass off to get here. I'm a big fish.

After my 12:30 gender studies class I noticed a club faire going on, it wouldn't hurt to check it out. Row after row, sweaty bodies brushing against mine, free candy, people screaming... it all took me back to high school. An orange and navy blue booth caught my eye. I squinted at the sign; Committee Planning. When I got closer, I recognized the president from my gender studies class, she was really nice and offered me advice since she's a junior. The club responsibilities seemed easy enough, and I could make some friends while I'm at it. I strode over confidently, skimming over the sign-up list. A couple other names were scribbled down, all seemingly girls. Maybe I will get Christen to sign up with me. I'll ask her when I get back to our room.

Suddenly, the pen was snatched from my hand.

Suddenly, the pen was snatched from my hand

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His POV:

Ugh, I can't believe I have to go to UCI just because my Dad is the head of the sports department. At least there's a good volleyball team.

I had just finished up in my statistics class when my phone rang.

"Son! What are you up to?"

"Nothing, Dad. Why? Haven't you bothered me enough today, forcing me to go to UCI and all?"

"Ah, don't be like that. Think of the tuition perks! Anyways, there's a club faire going on. My colleague's daughter is president of Committee Planning, and she told me that they need more members or else the club will be shut down. Be a good boy and join, please," as much as I was bitter towards my Dad, he's done a lot for me. It was the least that I could do to join. Plus maybe I could find a hot girl. I guess.

Sigh, "Sure."

"Love you, champ!"

"Love you too."

Disgruntled, I made my way through the sweaty bodies swarming the club faire—it took me back to high school. Finally, I found the tent.

Goddamn! What is taking this girl so long? I got tired of waiting and snatched the pen from her.

President of the Committee's POV:

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President of the Committee's POV:

Skimming through the signatures on the sheet, I couldn't help but beam. My hard work in advertising paid off for sure! Faire couldn't have been more of a success. I give a quick phone call to the head of the sports department to say my thanks; he was the one who advocated for the committee a lot.

"Hello Mr. Koshi, I just called to say thank you so much for helping spread the word about the Planning Committee! It really worked, and I'm sure this year will be a blast! I even saw your son sign up!"

"Of course! It was the least I could do. I heard you are doing random planning pairs, right? If I could give just a small suggestion to you-"

"Oh yes of course Mr. Koshi! Whatever you need!"

"Ah well, my son is a bit hard to handle, a bit of an attitude, but he has a kind heart. I would appreciate it if you could pair him up with someone who could keep him accountable. It would put me very much at ease knowing he is doing the committee a favor in signing up rather than just doing what dear old dad told him to do."

"Oh yes of course! I know just the person. I just met her today in my gender studies class and I think she would be a great partner for him."

"Thank you, I really appreciate it."

"No worries! Thank you once again!" I ended the call. I looked back at my list, eyeing the signatures until I found her name.


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