Chapter One

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"Bro, why are you so slow? We have a meeting in like 5 minutes all the way across campus," I tapped my foot as I yelled to Christen.

"Okay, okay. I'm coming. It's not even that I'm slow, you're just fast," she rolled her eyes.

Once Christen got on her left shoe I swung the door open and-

"WATCH IT!" I heard a voice say.


"Your door almost made me spill my kombucha mango juice all over myself, and I have a meeting in like five minutes," a small Asian girl deadpanned.

"Oh my gosh I am so sorry! We're also in a rush to get to a meeting for Committee Planning," I apologized.

"Oh for real? That's where I'm going too. " she smiled shyly, sticking out her hand for me to shake, "Sorry I kind of overreacted, some ass spilled their coffee on me during lecture this morning so I'm on edge. I'm Angel btw."

"That sucks. My name is Alyssa and this is Christen."

"Nice to meet you guys! I'm in the room next door, I'm glad to meet some new people." she beamed.

"You wanna head over to the meeting together? Power in numbers, right?" Christen offered.

"I'd love that!"

We ran across campus to not be late for the meeting. On the way I found out that Angel was actually in my gender studies class, but I didn't notice her.

Finally, we reached the meeting room. Most of the seats were taken by girls, I noticed a tall guy leaning on the wall in the back too. I recognized his dark scowl; he was the one who ripped the pen away from me at last week's faire! I hope I don't end up working with him. I didn't want to rip my ears off in freshman year.

We quickly got seats in the back of the room as the president started talking.

"Hey everyone! My name is Sarah and I'm the president of Committee Planning. Our first event of the year will be the winter formal! You guys are the first to hear the theme: Fairytale Masquerade!"

I whispered to my friends, "We had a fairytale dance in high school, I can't believe I have to go to one again. You know, I was always an advocate for a Candyland theme." Upon saying that I heard a scoff from the back and quickly whipped my head around.

I noticed the tall guy shaking his head at the ground, chuckling almost. Ugh, rude much?

Sarah continued. "We will be in charge of ticket selling, advertising, painting props etc., so I will be splitting each of you guys into pairs to work on different tasks. I also am introducing something new this year as an icebreaker! It will be like Secret Santa, but no gifts. I am going to pair you guys with another anonymous person as a bonding activity, and you guys will reveal yourselves sometime during the dance day! Make sure to check your email for the number that you will be talking to."

Anonymous numbers? This seemed like a bunch of mumbo jumbo to me, but I was eager to take part in setting things up for the committee. Maybe it would be fun, it is my freshman year after all.

The meeting is called over and the gorls and I quickly head out of the meeting room. We decide to head over to a nearby coffee shop for an afternoon pick-me-up.

The AP Coffee Shop was a pretty popular spot for drinks, but it was pretty empty during this hour. I've heard a couple of students rave about it and I had to try it myself. The three of us wait in line until it was our turn.

"Hello ladies what can I get for- oh hey Christen! How have you been?" The barista with a purple apron and long black hair greeted us. Christen smiled back.

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