CH. 5

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After an hour of surfing, I feel my skin burning but I had fun. For the first time in my life since I got here, I was enjoying something I have never done before. Harry and I swam for a little bit before we headed out of the waters having red skin like cooked lobsters. We headed back inside the beach house and decided to finally eat because we were now both hungry. Niall had finally woken up and his back was insanely red while his hair still hand sand on it. Olivia had woken up too and was now groaning in pain because of her hungover. We talked over the table as Diana blurt out to go touring around the entire island using their motorbikes since she wanted me to see the entire island and everyone was so into it even though I know they have toured the island many times already.

I was up for something fun now with this group of people and for the first time I was no longer scared of stepping out from my comfort zone.

Harry drove me back to my hotel so I can change and told me he was going to pick me up with the others in a few minutes. I took a shower and felt excited for the land tour we were going to do later. I wore a white one piece and a pair of faded denim shorts as I stare at my own reflection on the mirror and noticed that my skin was now a little tone darker and terribly reddish after surfing under the sun.

By noon, Harry and the others arrived outside my hotel waiting for me. Georgia-Rose was riding behind Zayn on his motorbike, Olivia was with Niall, Diana brought her own pink motorbike and Harry, who is wearing a plain white shirt with a black shorts, sits on his own black motorbike while he hands me his helmet as he flashes me his smile. I accepted before I got on his motorbike before all of started speeding away from the hotel.

Diana led the pack while all of us followed her since she was much more familiar with the island. We passed by a few stores that sells clothes, shirts and a few handmade handbags, an old church, a few of the locals' houses, a small elementary school and a road path which was surrounded by tall coconut trees. It was the complete island life that I can ever ask for and not worrying about how we looked or what we wore. We took photos together as a group and individually as we stopped by some tourists spots of the island. Harry took some photos of me using my phone while I took a few selfies with him and the others as well. It was just pure fun spending time with these strangers that is starting to become my friends.

We stopped by a wet market and bought foods where we can bring with us to the beach called Pacific Beach and grill some seafoods that we bought when we get there. We were planning to eat lunch on that beach since Diana had already reserved tables and chairs for us. When we arrived the beach, all of us helped in setting up the table while Zayn, Harry and Diana were the ones doing the grilling.

We began to settled ourselves on the table to eat.

"We can stay here for the night." Diana says and everyone started agreeing to it automatically.

"We can?" I asked.

She nods, "They rent out tents here at much lower price."

"I can never to do things like this back in Ireland." Niall tells us. "It just sucks because we don't always have such a nice weather like this and Ireland does not really have the incredible beaches like the ones here in LUAHU."

Zayn nods, "This island is so underrated."

"I'm just happy not much people know about it." Harry states. "I mean, it isn't as crowded as other beaches and it's much lesser industrialized than other islands."

"I agree. LUAHU is a most definite hidden treasure." Diana adds.

As soon as we finished eating lunch, most of them decided to swim by the beach while I was helping Diana clean the table. Harry was surfing again even though he was all by himself and it was the very first time I see him surf and it was truly amusing. He moves in sync with the waves and knows well how to catch them and ride them effortlessly. He did a few trips with his shortboard and looked like he was flying above the waters. Harry looked amazing out there.

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