Bills back!

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"Mabel, you can't tame a Pegasus." Ford told her sternly. She could tell he was trying to keep her her safe but Mabel was a force of nature itself, and as much as she wanted to listen to her Grunkle the Temptation of riding a flying horse was too great!

So Mabel simply replied "Grunkle Ford, I CRAVE CHAOS!" and with that Mabel jumped on the Pegasus. Not even looking back to see Dipper and Fords' shocked faces.

At first Mabel wasn't impressed, riding the Pegasus was just like riding a horse at the petting zoo. (The one she was UNFAIRLY banned from.) But in one quick motion, almost like it read her mind. It took off. She was flying, and it was probably the best experience of her life!

Well maybe it was second to killing claymation monsters. But she doesn't think anything can top THAT.

Plus, this just goes to show that Dipper and Ford aren't always right. She could be smart too! She was god of the sky, and no one could take her down!

She could also see dipper following her! "HEY DIPPER LOOK! WOOOO!" She shouted at him. Unfortunately for her this causes her to lose her balance.

Mabel then fell off the Pegasus, hitting hundreds of tree branches while falling.

The pain was blinding.

"Oh my god! Mabel, are you okay?!" Mabel heard Dipper yell in a concerned tone.

She should have listened.

"Yeah I'm fine bro-bro, but my leg really hurts." That was an understatement, she was in utter agony. She just didn't want anyone to worry..

She heard dipper leave to get Ford, but as soon as she did a new tussling came closer. Back already, I must not have gone as far as I thought.. She felt a wet substance on her forehead and all the pain was gone.

She managed to get up assuming Ford had healed her with something. But she saw no one, it was almost as if her rescuer had healed her then run off at a non-human speed.

Mabel knew at that moment things were about to get a lot more interesting.


Bill was furious to say the least, he just got his form back and things had changed so much.

He was going to kill those kids.

He was going to hammer nails under their fingernails, he was going to rip their eyes out of their eye sockets. He was going to make them pay.

Oh it would be slow and painful, he just needed to make a deal..

Bill, who was lost in thought suddenly realized someone new was at the counter of the mystery shack.


He seemed young too, the only problem was. Despite being omnipotent, he had no knowledge on him.. "Don't tell me Sixer did this.."

No.. he could still get information on him. Then how did this kid block his power?

"Well.. looks like I'm doing things the old fashion way."

A summer to remember (A Steven universe/Gravity Falls crossover fic)Where stories live. Discover now