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Votes and comments highly appreciated :)

⚠️: mentions of rape and murder, nothing is in detail and it's very short so I won't put a summary at the end, but if you need it just comment here.

"He was my uncle." She said softly, eyes looking down beyond the frame, probably to her hands on her lap. "He- he came by my appartement to see if everything was alright, I had just moved in. Then he- when I showed him my room he got closer to me a-and- and he-"

The woman took a deep, shaky breath, her red eyes clouding with tears.

"He grabbed me, pushed me into the bed and raped me." She whispered, all in one breath.

And the video ended.

Min Yoongi's eyes stung from not having blinked during the majority of the video. He rubbed his them softly, reaching for his cup of Americano and taking a sip. The bitter sting on his tongue and refreshing drink going down his throat soothed him. He started the video again.

Whilst the shaky voice of the woman resonated in the headset, he took off his sunglasses. His vision cleared, no longer burdened by the dark lenses. Every single hair on her head and every twitch of her face were now as clear as day to him. If he truly concentrated, he would probably manage to distinguish the specks of mika in her makeup.

He noticed her eyes were red, yet not puffy. She had probably used some kind of eye drops. Her lips were stable, not wobbling or twitching like someone who was truly distressed should. The tone of her voice was believable though, she must have done a lot of research to perfect the role.

When she looked back into the camera lens to usher her last words, her eyes held nothing but guilt, there was even some fear woven in there.

"Liar." He whispered, before closing the video and switching to a popular online game.

He still had twenty minutes until his session was over, and leaving early when he had already paid would seem suspicious.

As teenagers yelled into their mics around him and staff walked down the isles with drinks and snacks, Yoongi placed his sunglasses back onto his button nose and played half heartedly.

His mind was elsewhere, thinking of the woman from the video.

Kim Sanoung, a third year student at a rather prestigious university, studying theatre. Daughter of a wealthy company director, whose older brother had just come back from the military.

Sanoung clearly hadn't been assaulted by her uncle, and as good of an actress as she was, no lies went undetected by Min Yoongi's eyes.

Her motives for wanting to kill her uncle were unclear, and perhaps they weren't hers but her father's. Her grandmother had been admitted in a hospital recently, and she was probably on her death bed by now.

Kim Sanoung's father must have been eyeing the heritage for a long time for him to go as far as coaxing his daughter into contacting him.

Min Yoongi, also known as SUGA, one of Seoul's most wanted criminals.

The bounty over his head kept growing, and so did the number of bullets he shot between men's eyes. Not an ounce of guilt surfaced in him as he thought of his victims, the only thing on his mind were the videos that their victims had sent to him.

Those men didn't deserve to live in his eyes.

A warning suddenly popped up on his screen. He only had five minutes of internet left before the computer would shut down.

He let the character on the screen die as he stood up, grabbing his americano in one hand and guitar case in the other, leaving the Internet cafe without a word to any of the staff members.

Walking out of the dark cafe and into the sunny streets of Seoul made his sensitive eyes squint slightly, waiting to adjust to the new light before he swung his heavy case on his shoulder and crossed the street.

He could have taken the bus back to his house, but decided to go foot instead. Being in a closed space packed with people probably was not the best move when he wasn't wearing his contacts. So he tried to enjoy the walk despite hating moving his body when it wasn't necessary.

Suddenly his ears picked up on a soft sound.

Amongst the angry traffic and loud car horns, the quick steps of pedestrians and the ticking of street lights, a muffled voice sung over the hushed murmur of a guitar.

Yoongi's feet followed the sound unknowingly, pushing his glasses further up the smooth slope of his nose. Only a few meters away, on a small plaza in the midst of the buzzy city, stood a tall boy, black hair falling over his strong features as his face danced  with every word he sang.

He had to be a high school student judging from the uniform he was wearing. He held an old guitar, the instrument covered in scratches and various doodles in paint crusting off. Despite its deteriorated state, the boy held it tenderly, gently striking its cords.

A guitar case was open on the ground in front of him, a few coins and bills thrown into it as a small crowd listened to him, Yoongi now one of them. He let himself be swayed by the guitar and soothing voice of the stranger, a deep and silky tone caressing his ears.

Upon further listening to him, Yoongi managed to notice the story told by the singer.

It was a soft cry for attention, ushered by an old woman who didn't feel young enough to be worthy anymore. What a wistful tune it was.

"Just like a flower that withered,
you threw me out,
You who had loved me so dearly,
Had watered me daily,
As soon as my beauty aged,
You didn't even hesitate."

Although the boy's voice was clearly singing for someone else, it held so much emotion, so much passion that it almost brought tears to Yoongi's eyes. The singer's eyes were closed tightly as he sang, displaying a wide vocal range and impressive presence. There was no looking away from him once he had you listening.

The song ended shortly after, but Yoongi didn't move. He watched the boy smile a toothy grin, bowing to the audience that was now applauding him.

He waved his large hands to them, taking a few pictures with other high schoolers who were probably more interested in his looks than his voice.

He bent down to collect the change he had earned for the day, and gently placed his guitar back in its case, closing it before standing back up and swinging it over his shoulder.

That's when both of their eyes met.


A HUGE THANK YOU to both @lilGayMochi and @mehman00 for literally gOing off in the comments of the prologue.

Next chapter will be posted tomorrow so stay tuned!

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